the beach at night, people watching, veging out, buffet friends, the Y, airports, photography, art, literature, old trees, people that read, sushi, sleeping in, modernism, carnival food, drinking + almost anything, learnin, games, dancing, pretentious film, piercings, hippies, tatoos...ellipsis...
non-assholes in general
Beck, Air, Gravy Train!!!!, Belle & Sebastian, Slumber Party, Goldfrapp, I am the World Trade Center, anything I can dance to...
Waiting for Guffman, I 3 Huckabees, Star Wars, Being John Malkovich, Anchorman, Dr. Strangelove or How I Stopped Worrying and Learned to Love the Bomb, All That Heaven Allows, You and Me and Everyone We Know, The Women...
strangers with candy, ab fab, craft corner death match, little britain...
Hardcore, Lunch Poems, White Noise, The Blood Oranges, The Cannibal, Field of Vision, Going after Cacciato, The Good Soldier, Heart of Darkness...
cris hassold...yeah.