A Little Courage Goes A Long Way...

About Me

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Member Since: 11/4/2004
Band Members:


Hey guys!
I just wanted to say, I think it’s completely amazing that you did this. My cousin is a soldier and I love him to death. He is my best friend. I remember in school, I wrote an essay on my hero. My hero is my cousin. I remember making my teacher cry, and making everyone realize how important it is to remember there are people out there fighting for us. They need to be recognized and noticed, and you guys are doing a really good job at making them recognized. My cousin hasn’t been home to read my essay but I know one day, he will read it, and I will play him this video and show him how much every soldier means. You guys are amazing for doing this, really, really amazing.



First off I would just like to say thank you to YOU guys, for making this video, it is amazing, and I love you!

When you guys told me about the video, I'll be honest, I thought it would just be another video that was an outsiders view on what families and friends of the military go through when someone they love leaves to fight this war. While I know so many that have fought, I have been blessed to have my family and friends return to me from Iraq, and this song has both comforted me in times of sadness and loss and given me given me hope for the future of this country. A month ago I lost both a friend and a member of the US Marine Corps, Lance Corporal Michael A. Musto, who served for one year in Iraq and returned safely, he was supposed to return later this year but was killed in a motorcycle accident. This video means more to me than you may understand, because no matter what, I will see my friends and family again, whether in this life or the next. It pains me to say not all the men in the pictures are with us today, but the service they have given this country is something that I can never repay. It can only be acknowledged with love and kindness. Just remember to take nothing for granted. Nothing and no one. Not your friends, not the love you are given on a regular basis from those around you, not from the simple acts of kindness you receive from strangers. Our troops are giving the most valuable thing that they have, their own lives, and they are giving them to strangers who don't know their names and strangers who don't care. At the age of 18 they know the true meaning of sacrifice, something that people who live to be 100 may never learn. Remember that the next time you see them on the street, living their lives, they're giving it all up for you when they put on that uniform.

This video is a message of hope, a sign for the future, and a memorial for all those that we WILL see again. Never lose hope, never lose faith.

Rest in Peace Musto -- Gone but not forgotton.

-- Alexz Melahn


Dear Lansdowne,

The song "i'll see you again" means so much to me! Everytime i hear it it reminds me of the person that really cared for me my nanna. She died about 2 years ago now. My mum wasnt her self and my nanna basically took care of me. when ever i needed anyone she was always there. Also when i was put into foster care and things weren't goin so well she never gave up on me, she was bascially my rock lol! that sounds so cheesy but its true. She means the world to me and i know i will see her again some day! I love You Nanna

Lansdowne are ace, an amazing band and there lyrics are amazing and they mean so much and you can tell they come from the heart! You Rock LANSDOWNE hehe!


Hey guys,
hope all is well.
just wanted to let you know how wonderful and talented you are.
The song I'll see you again is exactly what i needed when my fiancee left for the marines. He and I worked together, and i didn't know how much my life was missing such a happy, caring, silly, gracious person until i met Evan. We created so many special moments together while he was here, places we went together or discovered together or just enjoyed life together. And while he's gone, I write him once every day to make sure i can help him create memories while he's away from me.
I'm so proud of him for serving our country in the way that he is and although he calls me the brave one in the relationship for being able to be in love with a marine, he's the one facing trials every day.
This song gave me hope for a day that I look forward too so much, seeing the one that i love again, if its one day or months from now. How special that moment will be and how strong love can be.



i met the love of my life at a show you guys were playing in baltimore. the song means a lot to him, and has grown on to me since derrick has left for krgyzstan again. i listen to the song everyday as a reminder that i will see him again. my two best friends also have significant others in the military and it just helps keep us sane. i ended up getting a tattoo, most of you know, with the title. thankyou guys for everything you have done!


hay guys! how r u'll!! omg the video was amazing!!! it ment so much 2 me n i no it means a lot 2 every1 else!! u'll also mean a lot 2 me!!! u'll r AMAZING singers n r so sweet!! u'll take ur time n tlk 2 all the fans!!!! im so excited that i have the chance 2 tlk 2 u'll n hopefully 1 day i'll c u'll in pineville,louisiana!!!!!!!! oh ya baby!!!!!! u'll jus inspire me 2 follow my drams n u'll show me that nything is possible!!





First off, I'm more than proud to say that I share a city with you boys.
I have to say that I do not have anyone super close to me fighting for our freedom. So I can only imagine what it feels like to have a father, or brother, or someone you always see, over there.
My boyfriend's older brother was in Iraq for a couple years, I believe, and to just hear him talking about his experience over there makes me feel so proud to know him. I can't even begin to imagine how hard it is to have someone you love so much, so far away from you. When you think of someone fighting in Iraq, you always think of the dangers they must face over there. Nothing good ever crosses your mind. :P You always think the worst. I have so much respect for anyone brave enough to do what the soldiers are doing, and have done.
A friend of my cousin's, who's also a friend of mine, was stationed in Germany the last time I talked to him, but that was months ago. His mother now stays with my cousin and her family. He doesn't get to call home very much, but when he does, I'm sure you can imagine how big of a deal it is. :P
Knowing that we don't get to see him every day, makes our time on the phone with him very special, of course.

The video for your song "I'll See You Again" helps people realize that they're not alone. It makes them realize that for every one soldier, there are probably hundreds of people, including family, friends, neighbors, and coworkers, who miss them, and that one day they'll see their loved ones again. One day, this is all going to be over, and we will once again have the people we love.

God bless our troops.


To me, the video and the song "I'll See You Again" sparks a memory and a thought. The memory is of my dad when I was only 3 or 4 years old. He had been gone fighting in the Gulf War for the Marines. Even though I was too young to remember it, I have a picture that makes me think of what it would be like if he was in Iraq now. I was in a little blue dress and he was in his camo just holding me so tightly and I was kissing him on the cheek. He was finally home. I look back at that and realize how naive I was, and I think about what it would be like now. But, of course, my heart and mind just can't rest right now. I know of so many families that have loved ones over-seas. I can only imagine what it's like for them; the constant fear of that phone call and the anticipation, wondering if they're going to come home tomorrow or if they'll have to stay for a longer period of time. "I'll See You Again" simply reminds me of all the strong men and women in the east fighting for our country right now, and trying to protect everyone over-seas. It makes me think of the future, when those soldiers come home and are finally with their families again and how happy everyone will be. The song is a reminder to everyone out there, not just the soldiers, to everyone that has a loved one far away from them, that no matter what, no matter where you are or who you are, you will see your family and friends once again. And it will always be that way.




This is what your video made me feel. and because you guys took the time out of your lives to go brighten others is something very few can accomplish. :)

I am 16 and I live here safely in New Jersey. I don't have any family members or loved ones fighting in the war. I take every sunrise and sunset for granted. Every breathe I take I do it easily because I don't have to fear death just yet.

Everyone has problems and issues in their lives that casue them to tremble. In the site of fear and hardships many turn to hide and run. But our troops take on their problems while fighting to insure our freedom. It is not something easily done or accomplished without sacrafice. The fact that these troops ahve chosen this responsibility without a second thought shows that they are stronger than the rest. As if they are our personal defenders.

I have a friend who is 17 and is just waiting to get out of highschool to join the marines. When he first told me this I got very upset, worried and angry. Basically just overwhelmed. The thought of possibly lossing someone close to me was just to much.

And when I saw your video, it occured to me that the war is still going on. Like the thought just really smacked into my face. Families all over are experiencing what I am scared to experience. Families are constantly saying temporary "see you laters" and praying for a safe return home. Daughters hugging their fathers goodbye, sons telling their worried mothers they'll be okay, husbands and wives waving to their loved ones as they walk away. It's not easy, not simple.

They only time I ever experienced a "temporary" ;ppse is when my father and I didn't see each other for a year. My parents have been divorced since I was born. He and I got into a fight after my mother remarried. We didn't see each other for a year. And in that year, i moved to a new town, new school and had to make new friends. I felt alone and I cried because I missed him.

So I can only imagine how families with loved ones away from them feel when they don't see them for months, year(s).

"I'll see you again," is a promise. That no matter what, you will see each other again. This secret promise helps a troop keep calm and have a peace of mind because he knows that tis parting isn't a farewell, it's just another trip. Even though, sometiems a soldier doesn't come back from his trip, but it doesn't mean that he will never be seen again. To me, it is just a longer delay. I don't know if everyone believes, but as someone who does believe in God, I know that God is watching over our tropps and even when one falls, he is just going to a better place. And when the time comes, that fallen troop will see his family again.

So to me, the "I'll see you again" video isn't a lie, it isn't decietful but honest. We will see every single troop again. And it just gives me a peace of mind that their efforts aren't wasted and that others appreciate their sacrafice.

sincerely, skittles :)


I absolutely love I'll see you again. It means so much to me because I have a very close friend that was recently deployed. Aaron means so much to me and we didn't get the chance to see eachother before he left. We have now decided to start a relationship, so your song and video gives me hope that I will get to see him again soon and tell him and show him all of the things that I did not get to before he left. The video brings a tears to my eyes because I see the hurt of seeing a loved one go in the eyes of others as well as me. In the same sense it gives hope to all that hear and watch the video. You guys are truly amazing and are an inspiration for me to keep waiting. Thank you so very very much.


Band Information:

First Touch Management
Mike Melli & Maja Stevanovich
[email protected]

Paul Sommerstein
333 E 13th St., Suite 10
New York, NY 10003
[email protected]
212.260.6899 (p/f)



Cinammon Challenge

Josh "Ok" Music Video Tour of Manas


"The day's entertainment, a Boston-band that donates its time and talents to entertain troops around the world..." - ABC News Channel 5 WCVB, July 4th segment

Click here to view entire broadcast

"Lichtenstein and Migliori sported wide eyed smiles during the alternately chugging and driving new tune 'OK' and put their best stage moves on display during Burn This standout “Anatomy of a Symphony”. The two have perfected a combination of Metallica’s head-banging, Fallout Boy’s jump spins, and Pete Townshend’s windmill in which they jump, cock their guitars over their heads and to the side, then swing them around their body in unison in a move I’m dubbing the Axis in honor of Lansdowne Street’s late club." - Jed Heneberry, Boston Music Spotlight, excerpt from "Lansdowne heat up the Middle East" show review, 6/2/08

Click here to view entire show review

"After a trip to the Middle East to play for our troops earlier this year, the band looks at the sacrifices that our military makes in a slightly different light. 'I think it’s pretty easy to forget that all around the world hundreds of thousands of troops are sacrificing their freedom for yours,' says lead singer Jon Ricci, 'and it’s really important to give something back to somebody who has pretty much given everything.'" - Jed Heneberry, Boston, Music Spotlight, excerpt from "Lansdowne go the extra mile for U.S. Troops," 5/29/08

Click here to view entire feature

"Like the street with which they share a name, the band Lansdowne is an offbeat mix of underground style with big commercial ambitions. Not quite scruffy enough to be Bill’s Bar, but not yet Avalon either. Although with the type of giant breast-beating pop anthems they write, one imagines they have their eyes set on a Fenway-sized fan base. 'I think we’re right in the middle, we’re more Axis,' says singer Jon Ricci. 'It’s more of an all ages sound.' His band’s music certainly sets the stage for bigger things. On songs like 'I’ll See You Again,' the extraordinarily earnest support-our-troops anthem they wrote for military personnel in the Middle East, Ricci plucks ripe, dangling melodic fruits from a flowering emo tree, hurling them like lovelorn missives into the crowd." - Luke O'Neil, Boston Metro, excerpt from "Combat rock: Lansdowne prepare to hit maximum effective range," 5/30/08

Click here to view entire feature

"'We all have different opinions about the war,' said Ricci. 'But we all realize that these men and women can’t feel like they’ve been forgotten. Playing these shows was about making sure they understood we remembered their sacrifice, about having a guy come up to me and say, ‘For a couple hours you gave me a little bit of home.’ ” - Jed Gottlieb, Boston Herald, Excerpt from "Tour of duty: Boston band rocks troops overseas," 5/28/08

Click here to view entire feature

No. 29 Unsigned Band in the Country - "What hasn't this band done? They have even played for the U.S. Troops in Iraq and the Middle East. By far, this band was pushed by staff more than any other. The lead singer has a radio voice and they have an extensive tour history. They recently signed an entertainment deal with the USO, which means they will be performing for our Troops for awhile. It will be fun tracking this bands progress." - Tim Towner, The Daily Chorus, 5/12/08

"Five songs threaten to burst from the headphones on the band's second EP, Burn This for Your Friends, which is packed with unadulterated emotion and just enough sweetness to hook the listener for good...As far as a step up from Lansdowne's first EP to their second, they have managed to shatter expectations while still leaving plenty of room for the band to continue growing...Unsigned or not, Lansdowne have been sailing over the speedbumps of a musical career and if they continue their aggression and channel it into continuing to advance as artists, the sky's the limit." - Tony Pascarella, Album Reviewer for, 2/16/08

Click here to view entire review

"'Just Let Go' is some of the catchiest sh*t you will ever hear." - Steve Henderson,

"Their sound was characterized by a great combination of both melodic and heavy guitar riffs, pounding drum beats and beautifully crooning vocals...From the first note, the lead guitarist, Lichtenstein and bassist Migliori were swinging the guitars back and forth like true performers. Fans of the Guitar Hero games would have been impressed by the myriad of power-stances, guitar swings and stage jumps exhibited by members of the band." - Kegan Zema, Maine Campus, 2/11/08, "Boston's Lansdowne Lands at the Frequency"

Click here to view entire feature

"Their fanbase is die-hard and their recent trip to perform for troops in the Middle East has this band in the buzz." -

"...homegrown heroes LANSDOWNE, whose insane touring schedule and radio-ready modern rock sound, have us thinking they're this close to making it huge." -

"I think the ultimate goal is to play for the largest audience we can for the longest time we can. It's pretty simple for us," said Lansdowne frontman Jon Ricci. "I have been really focused on the do-it-yourself strategy in a way that we're growing substantially but in a way that we can sustain it." - Excerpt from "New Tools Give Artists Edge Over Industry," Maggie Cassidy, Northeastern News, 1/10/08

Click here to view entire feature

"The hardworking band, whose music can be described as alternative pop rock, is crisp and pounding with sharp vocals and blending harmonies." - Dennis Shaughnessey, Lowell Sun, 12/20/07

Click here to view entire feature

"The main concern of most young, independent bands is doing everything they can to book shows and get signed. While Boston-based pop-rock quartet Lansdowne is focused on those things too, they have another goal in mind: being patriotic..." - Stephanie Shore, Northeastern News (Article: "Boston's Got Talent"), 11/5/07

Click here to view entire feature

"Boston's Lansdowne is a band on the brink. With a hectic touring schedule that has them on the road indefinitely, the melodic modern rock group is steadily making their mark on music fans....a musical product that becomes the embodiment of quality rock music." - Laura Gardner, Wagner College Wagnerian, 4/20/07

"Leaving Boston is a fantastic radio-ready rock EP that sounds ready to trigger a huge creative leap in the near future....Continued perseverance and creative advancement will put Lansdowne on the map in a big way...Boston has no lack of great bands, but very few leave the lasting impression of Lansdowne." - Tony Pascarella, Album Reviewer for, 1/30/07

Click here to view entire review

"Lansdowne headlined the show, and many students claim to have stayed all night for their set. [The Band] combined soulful vocals with driving guitars, ending with a rock performance that had band members jumping and kicking around the stage, the entire crowd dancing and female audience members screaming." - Stephanie Shore, Northeastern News, 9/27/06

Click here to view entire review

"As a new band, Lansdowne has a surprisingly wide repertoire and is on an impressive trajectory...Their hardcore acrobatics paired with lead vocalist Jon Ricci's lighter pop melodies, formed an unexpected aural and visual dichotomy that kept the charisma and energy of the band at a high throughout the entire performance." - Leah Driska, Wellesley [College] News, 5/3/06

"...enjoyed greatly by audiences around the country... an idle candidate for being a chart-topper." - Jomin Glausen, Simmons [College] Voice

"I have had several students come up to me and comment on how good the band was. Many have said Lansdowne is the best live band they have ever seen." - Vesta Wheatley, Director of Student Activities @ Tarrant County College (Fort Worth, TX).

"I heard this band getting a lot of love from some forum users here on AP, and after getting a copy of their EP, I am quite impressed as well. For a band that has been together exactly one year, their sound has a ton of maturity and soul. Along with Fly Upright Kite, it shows that there is more than Sam Adams coming out of Boston." - Steve Henderson,

"Ricci lays it on the line, revealing his rock star motto: 'The world is watching, I'm out of options / And I refuse to burn away, to burn away.' From the momentum he and his bandmates seem to be gaining, it doesn't look like he'll have to do that anytime soon." - Brett Cromwell, Performer Magazine (December 2006)

"We LOVE this song!" - Billy Costa, Kiss 108 FM (on Hours In Between)

"Great vocals, really enjoyed their show" - Shaant Hacikyan, Lead Singer for Cute Is What We Aim For (Fueled By Ramen)

Type of Label: None

My Blog

Ashley Sumner: This girl is awesome!

Hey everyone,Being on the road is often pretty stressful. As a young band, you have to depend on your friends and fans to help you out when it comes to staying places and eating, to make sure that you...
Posted by LANSDOWNE: FREE SONG DOWNLOAD ON OUR PAGE!!!! on Wed, 11 Jun 2008 10:31:00 PST

SOLD OUT: Middle East Downstairs, a postscript on last night’s Boston show

Last night was the one of my favorite nights since we formed 2 years ago...The crowd, almost 600 of you, was incredible and electric, and I just want to say thank you for all of your support. I also w...
Posted by LANSDOWNE: FREE SONG DOWNLOAD ON OUR PAGE!!!! on Sun, 01 Jun 2008 11:21:00 PST

Lansdowne featured on/in: CW11 New York, New York Post, Boston Herald, Boston Metro, and more!

Wow, has it been a busy couple weeks of press and interviews! Last week, after having the great honor of playing for the troops aboard the USS Kearsarge, we were featured on CW11 in New York, and on t...
Posted by LANSDOWNE: FREE SONG DOWNLOAD ON OUR PAGE!!!! on Fri, 30 May 2008 10:08:00 PST

Lansdowne ranked number 29 Unsigned Band in the Country by The Daily Chorus!

Today is a really exciting day for us as The Daily Chorus has ranked us the 29 unsigned band in the country! This list is an industry-standard for bands breaking through and is often used by A&R to fi...
Posted by LANSDOWNE: FREE SONG DOWNLOAD ON OUR PAGE!!!! on Tue, 13 May 2008 01:37:00 PST

Do you want to be Lansdowne’s **Fan of the Week**!?! READ MORE HERE!

For everyone who wants to be a fan of the week, this is how you can make it happen!!!FAN OF THE WEEK APPLICATION: 1. Take a picture of you holding a Lansdowne banner or rocking your Lansdowne gear and...
Posted by LANSDOWNE: FREE SONG DOWNLOAD ON OUR PAGE!!!! on Thu, 17 Apr 2008 02:56:00 PST

Just checking in...

Hey dudes (girls are dudes in my book, too),Just wanted to check in with all of you since it's been a while. Today has been really cool as I ran into some fans in Boston, we got our Fan of the Week se...
Posted by LANSDOWNE: FREE SONG DOWNLOAD ON OUR PAGE!!!! on Wed, 16 Apr 2008 01:12:00 PST

Lansdowne signs on as exclusive entertainment partner for USO NYC!

Hey all,Pretty exciting and very cool news... We have just signed on as the official and exclusive entertainment partner of USO Metro New York. This means that we will be working very closely with the...
Posted by LANSDOWNE: FREE SONG DOWNLOAD ON OUR PAGE!!!! on Tue, 11 Mar 2008 11:34:00 PST


***THE COMMENT WAR*** Hey! How is everyone doing!? We decided we wanted to try something fun with y'all today, so we made-up a little contest! Here's how it goes: All you have to do is drop by our m...
Posted by LANSDOWNE: FREE SONG DOWNLOAD ON OUR PAGE!!!! on Fri, 15 Feb 2008 10:28:00 PST

Virginia is for Lansdowne

Alright Virginia, we're hooked...You are some of the most energetic, fun, loud fans we've ever played for and we LOVE you for it. Friday at Jammin' Java and last night in Falls Church were wonderful a...
Posted by LANSDOWNE: FREE SONG DOWNLOAD ON OUR PAGE!!!! on Sun, 10 Feb 2008 08:59:00 PST

Featured on send us your ideas for the LANSDOWNE OLYMPICS!

We are the featured artist at check it out! And.... Main Entry: 1LANSDOWNE OLYMPICS  Pronunciation: ..Stu-pid-it-tee at its fine-est  Function: noun Usage: d...
Posted by LANSDOWNE: FREE SONG DOWNLOAD ON OUR PAGE!!!! on Wed, 06 Feb 2008 01:42:00 PST