I am obsessed with music and appreciate all things artsy - preferably "indie" or things off the beaten track. Playing online card games, such as spades and poker . Poker teaches you a lot about yourself, others and life in general - not to mention you get to make some money if you're good at it. I also like sudoku ! - it's fun if you're into logic problems.
Music lovers, art lovers, deep thinkers, philosophers and those who are in awe of the wonders and mysteries of life.
Featured Artist:
Presently I am showcasing the fine talent of Au4. This amazing group added me as a friend on myspace. Talk about a blessing! Their music is deep and moving - their videos inspiring.
Featured Videos:
AU4 - Hit and Miss
A video montage of all the best memories we all share as kids...
AU4 - Of Dreams
Great video to a very soothing yet intense song!
AU4 - Everything Always Moving
One of the most beautiful videos to one of the most moving songs I've ever heard...
Favorite Quote:
“The possession of Knowledge, unless accompanied by a manifestation and expression
in Action, is like the hoarding of precious metals–a vain and foolish thing. Knowledge, like
Wealth, is intended for Use. The Law of Use is Universal, and he who violates it suffers by
reason of his conflict with natural forces.“ – The Kybalion
Music is what I'm about, and this profile will definately reflect that. I hope you enjoy and check back often for I will continue to play new music and provide reviews for bands/artists I find. I listen to mainly stuff in the downtempo/chillout genre's. Bands I highly encourage you to check out would be Zero 7 , Boards of Canada, Flunk, Shpongle and many more you'll find listed as my friends. Finally, I must mention Amethystium - some of the most amazing music I've ever heard period. You can be sure I will be playing some stuff by Amethystium.
Sites worth checking out...
My favs in no particular order are: The Big Lebowski, I ♥ Huckabees, Waking Life , The Usual Suspects, The Legend of 1900 , Shawshank Redemption and Baraka (A Masterpiece - must be experienced!).
For some very cool short videos, check out Sensei Studios . Go to their "works" section.
I will post random videos that I find and like so check back often for amazing, funny, inspiring or beautiful videos.
Lost, Prison Break, Scrubs, 4400, weeds and Nip/Tuck.
Terry Goodkind's "sword of truth" saga.