Sleep. Intense music. Relaxing music. Driving while listening to music. Cooking. Playing music with strangers. Smoking Cigarettes. Ganja. Drinking Dark Beer. Drinking whiskey. Drinking in general... I'm not that picky.
a bunch of famous people.
If it's not in my top 8, it's still good, I just don't care about it. I've been doing the music thing for a long time. I get asked the "favorite music/bands" question a lot. All music is beautiful, I just don't like some of it.
I like movies with lots of super intense landscape fly-by sequences.
doesn't really do it for me. Too many people have this bad habit of quoting TV shows all the time. I only watch TV with others and it's usually cartoons. Metalocolypse is a cool cartoon. Family Guy I can tolerate and oft times laugh at a lot :-).
A History of the End of the World. I don't read much.
Harrison Ford