Shopping!!! (How typical) Friends, dance, dogs (WILLIS), giants baseball, football, food..or anything with katsup or whip cream on it,snowboarding!!! and pursuing life.
Prince Charming? I'll settle for a hot gay guy with good shopping taste! (Thank you very much my dear Timothy!)... o, n off course Tony Reali, don't be jealous boys, hes just smarter than u!... and if your are some slime bag w a whole bunch of scanky chicks as ur friends, dont send me a message, it wont get you anywhere!
Love it!
If it is over three hours count me out!... but i do happen to love, and i mean love: fight club, lucky number slevin, 16 candles, ferris buellers day off, simpsons, family guy, zoolander, ugg.... i can only think of soo many, but im sure im leaving some good ones out!
Will and Grace, Scrubs, House, Lost (thank you very much old flatmate), heros, simpsons, family guy, around the horn, pti, xgames... or anything with snowboarding, stat boy, giants n o n murder she wrote! haha, but seriously.
A necessity to life, and perhaps my only hope in improving my spelling techniques.
Anyone who has overcome difficulties in their life and have triumphed to see the glass once again half full!