|anything that interest me || me interest to anything|
Sir Arthur Ignatius Conan Doyle , Alex de Large, Anthony Burgess, Andy Warhol, Antonin Artaud, Bob Marley, Che Guevara, Chuck Palahianuk, Dalai Lama, David Ogilvy,Dorian Gray , Fidel Castro, Frida Kahlo, George Jung,Gus Van Sant,Hunter Stockton Thompson,Jackson Pollock, Jack Kerouac,Janis Joplin,Jean-Michel Basquiat, Jesus from Nazaret, Jim Morrison, Jimmy HendriX,Joan Vollmer,Judas, Kahlil Gibran,Ken Elton Kesey,Leo Henryk Sternbach, liL Lou Vega, Machiavelli, Michael Alig, Michael Gondry, Michael Moore, Mickey and Mallory Knox,Oscar Zeta Acosta, Nando Costa,Neal Cassady, Quentin Tarantino,Salvador Dali, Sayuri, Socrates,Timothy Francis Leary, Tyler Durden,William S. Burroughs,Zinedine Zidane.
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