The Best Way To Predict Your Future Is To Create It!!!!!!

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About Us
It is always amazing to reflect on life; the things that you thought had little significance become the driving force to your future. Early 2004, Neljay was not just the nickname of Nelson Jackson, but also that of his production company. In the midst of an unusual year, Nelson known as an accomplished musician joined the West Angeles C.O.C.I.C. family as one of the main keyboardists. There in the music department, he encountered a young man who was working under Dr. Judith McAllister serving as the office/department coordinator, Jonathan E. Coleman. He was known for his administration skills and his ability to get anything and everything done. Though they knew each other in passing, it was through their work relationship that they began to recognize the gifts they had to offer to each other and the world. Jonathan prompted a meeting with Nelson regarding assisting him with the production company offering his management and administration skills. Not long after that alliance they realized that their gifts were bigger than that of the production company. This is where it all began.
The young entrepreneurs both shared great vision individually which they soon found out to be almost identical. Nelson’s first love was production (Neljay Productions) and Jonathan’s management (CoJack Management Group). Together they shared a vast network of singers, musicians, and dancers in which were in high demand, hence establishing Humegrity Entertainment (staffing) . The perfect solution was to combine these three resources under one parent company, giving birth to NelJay Enterprises, LLC (N.E.) in the Fall of 2004. Two years later N.E. would expand operating a 24/7 online travel company ( and in current development an online store.
N.E. is lead by two driven individuals that know and have what it takes to breed success. Even though the vision started with Nelson in 2004, it has grown beyond even his imagination. Even though Nelson heads N.E. as the Chief Executive Officer, Jonathan is the back bone serving as the Chief Operating Officer.
If nothing else that has been written about these two sticks with you, know that this Enterprise is so much bigger than it is perceived to be. God not only gifted them in their perspective areas, but they continue to make every effort to walk in integrity and humility (Humegrity) , striving to share it with the world.
We hope you enjoy and appreciate every encounter you have with Neljay Enterprises.
Take care and God Bless!
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