cats, computers, music, women, women rollerskating,sleeping, stretching-yoga-working out. pharmaceuticals, reading, nature. vegatarian cuisine, houseplants, flowers, fashion. the weather getting warmer again. having some of the best friends anyone could ask for.
people that want silkscreened products made, from shirts to posters, anything, we'll make it, and cheap too. digital design, film, foundimage has got it covered. support local business!
Ras Dva 1 2 1 2, Metropolis, Alfa Matrix, Zoth Ommog r.i.p. COLD MEAT INDUSTRIES, Minus Habens, Fluttering Dragon. Ad Noiseum, Hymen, ANT ZEN. COLD SPRING, Hau Ruck, well you get the idea. everything sounds better on vinyl.
asian extremeBRICKNightwatch
yeah, sometimes. weather channel
william blake terrance mckenna tom robbins lovecraft crowley nordic-greek mythologies vonnagut
visitor Q