Ariel Pink. Isabella Roselini.
Better Off dead. Winged Migration. The Prarie Home Companion. March of the Penguins. Scanner Darkly (Keanau Reeves is SUCH a babe). Still, Akira Kurosawa's Dreams.French Kiss. Point Break. On Golden Pond. Something's Gotta Give. Bringing Up Baby. Singing in the Rain. Citizen Kane. Pandora's Box. Chocolat. Amelie. Room with a View. The Breakfast Club. Holy Shit(Holy Mountain). El Topo. Waren Miller Snowboard and kyaking videos. Laurie Anderson. Spalding Grey Monologues. Interview with a Vampire. The Queen of the Damned. Waking Life. Purple Rain. Breakin'. Krunkin'. 1984. Escape form New York. Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom (especially if they are shown at a camp ground's out door theatre). NOT BRAZIL thank you.
Jim Harrison. Right now I'm reading "Sun dog" and it is marvelous. He is right up there with Dickens for me.