I have a very similar story as many other dj/producers from Chicago have. I was born and raised on the South Side of Chicago like a lot of the other creators and pioneers of Chicago House Music, but over time I'd become more fascinated with the techier side of our music there at the time including acid house. The house parties we went to back in the day had a different meaning than anywhere else in the world. I think you can figure it out. Just ask anyone back in Chicago back int he early 80's and they'll break it down for you. The radio programming (yes folks, commercial radio, but anything but commercial), the music production, the record stores, and the parties at that time were unparalleled. I started buying records back in the day right at the beginning when Chicago House Music was born at Imports, Loop Records, and Gramaphone hopping from store to store trying to score some white labels,and sometimes buying them straight out of people's trunks.
From Jr.High straight into College I was consumed with all facets of house music at that time. Jack, acid, etc. I was completely consumed and pre-occupied which following my third year in college I returned back to Chicago and the rest is history. I borrowed a friend's EPS sampler and 606 and started making music. More and more gear followed and the production increased. As records dropped gigs were plentiful. From corner to corner in the states my popularity and identity as an American DJ/Producer solidified. Having made it through 20+ releases on my first imprint Contact Records the coinciding releases on labels like Missile and Hybrid my demand in Europe soon followed.
In the late 90's I headed out west to California, opened Higher Source Records and Gear, started 4 Track Records, changed booking agencies and then decided to take a break. So after a long overdue break I've stepped back into rhythm and 4 Track Records is now in full motion.
Support for my peeps!!!!!