Kathleen [RIP BBR] profile picture

Kathleen [RIP BBR]

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

"Regard the moon,
La lune ne garde aucune rancune,
She winks a feeble eye,
She smiles into corners.
She smoothes the hair of the grass.
The moon has lost her memory.
A washed-out smallpox cracks her face,
Her hand twists a paper rose,
That smells of dust and old Cologne,
She is alone
With all the old nocturnal smells
That cross and cross across her brain."
The reminiscence comes
Of sunless dry geraniums
And dust in crevices,
Smells of chestnuts in the streets,
And female smells in shuttered rooms,
And cigarettes in corridors
And cocktail smells in bars."
-T.S. Eliot, Rhapsody On A Windy Night Stuff people have said about Kat "She's refreshingly wierd..."-Tony "...you are awesome, and your profile has brightened a seriously lousy afternoon."~Cristin "...you could be the next Gloria Steinem..."-Jacob "Do you know how often you come up in random conversations?"-Tiah You're ridiculously gorgeous so I think it would be a blast to work with you=)-Mansoor "You always have the most interesting stories..."-Jessica "By the way you look great. I love your confidence. you have these amazing tatts, dress really cool. I mean I have my own great style but I have so much fun watching yours."-Adrienne "As I look at your profile..You are the BIGGEST freak I have come across..disturbed one...sicko"-myspace message from thelooker "You know I've always dug the artistic quality that you put into your pics. I always look forward to what you're going to post next. Every pic you post says something, and that's just so cool."-El Josh "...the notorious Kathleen."-Professor Watson "you should publish your stories in a book or something, aka chicken soup for the soul with a twist, like "creepy shit that'll haunt your soul"-El Josh "Kat, so are you the Celtic Goddess of felines?"-Sherman Alexie "You have eyes of a shrewd all knowing mother."-Laura "You have very pretty eyes. Fascinating really. Like a women that will tie you to a bed and leave you there to go to church..."-Rick
Oh yeah, and Aptera named a sushi after me.Nyah nyah!!!!!!!
Quotes "As I've said in the past, they can dress me up, they can give me awards, they can coach me on the right responses, and they can sand the callouses off my giant fucking feet, but I will always be me. And I will never be ashamed."-Diablo Cody "Walk tall, kick ass, learn to speak Arabic, love music and never forget you come from a long line of truth seekers, lovers and warriors."-Hunter S. Thompson "A woman has many lives to live. In order to do so many things and break so many limits, as I’ve done it, one has to be too much of a woman."-Chavela Vargas Give me tales of pirate girls on high seas!Lovers' feuds beneath apricot trees!Sing to me about rosebud bullets,ruby warblers,and whalebone skirts!-Bitch magazine "She rises while it is yet right."-Proverbs 31 "I've got a lot of horses to ride."-When the Legends Die

My Interests

I like to try everything once, but some of my favorite vices/interests include skimboarding, rockabilly, stompy boots, steampunk, "retro" things like listening to books read aloud on radio shows [I once had a date consisting of listening to War of the Worlds in the guy's car precariously perched on a cliff somewhere] and pink refridgerators, makeup, Dia de Muertos, crafting, leopard print stuff, Tinkerbell, Belle from Beauty and the Beast, bohemian stuff, Kate Winslet, comic books, bindis, Bollywood, native activism,art, hole-in-the-wall restaurants and coffee shops, sleeping [a lost art, in my opinion!], caramel machiattos, chocolate, fermented chinese tea [kombucha], language, cigarettes, watching the high tide in the ruins of an old building on a cliff, cuddling in a room full of lit red candles, letter writing, checking out garage sales and thrift stores, music, big attention getting rings, Chanel, activism, zines, zombies, pirates, my little ponies, living dead dolls, those creepy Victorian porcelain dolls, messing around with Ubuntu Linux, Frida Kahlo,film, reading, long walks, and hanging out with my friends and family. Nothing beats a sunny afternoon in the country, an evening driving around with Gia in San Jose listening to mellow music, or one at the beach.

I'd like to meet:

One of these days, I am going to have a round of shots with this woman here, because she is the BEST fucking oldest sister anyone could ask for.

R.I.P. Brad. You are missed :(
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Frances Bean Cobain
Azadeh Moaveni
Maureen Dowd
Buy Less Crap



Sweeney Todd, Tart, The Brave Little Toaster, The Last Unicorn, Toy Story, Monsters Inc, The Incredibles, Finding Nemo, Beauty and the Beast,A Series of Unfortunate Events, Harry Potter 1-5, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles,Bridge to Terebithia.Superbad,Mean Girls,200 Cigarettes,Scary Movie,White Chicks, Friday, Monty Python,Malibu's Most Wanted,Talladega Nights, The 40 Year Old Virgin, Knocked Up, Harold and Kumar Go To Whitecastle. Sin City, Pathfinder, Spiderman, The Departed, V for Vendetta,Spiderman, Serenity, Wasabi.Pan's Labyrinth, Taxi Driver,Scarface,Blow,Fear & Loathing In Las Vegas,The Prestige,The Persuit of Happyness, Frida,Walk The Line, Gypsy 83,Brokeback Mountain,Lord of the Rings Trilogy,Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind,Empire Records,Fight Club,Ghost World,Edward Scissorhands, Sleepy Hollow,Bulworth,Casablanca,The 39 Steps,Notorious,The Lodger.Bride and Prejudice,Meet me in St.Louis, Hedwig and the Angry Inch, Nightmare Before X-Mas, The Corpse Bride,Rocky Horror Picture Show.Blue Crush,Princess Diaries.CKY: The Latest and Greatest


(Keep in mind this is just a handful of what I like...)
L.A. Ink
Bionic Woman
Tim Gunn's Guide to Style
Project Runway
Law and Order
Tripping the Rift
Dark Angel
I love the 90's
That 70's Show
Aqua Teen Hunger Force
Batman:The Animated Series
Sifl and Olly


Battle Angel Alita, Nana, Chobits. Ghost World, Sin City, Gloom Cookie, Little Scrowlie, X-Men, Rogue, Serenity.Dharma Punx, Tao Te Ching (yes, I realize it wasn't originally meant as such, but it can be construed as a spiritual text), The Witches Guide To Life, Bhagavad Gita, Grace (eventually): Thoughts On Faith.The Catcher in the Rye, The Outsiders, To Kill A Mockingbird, Hatchet, Wuthering Heights, The Art of War, The Hobbit, Farenheit 451, Brave New World, 1984, Great Gatsby, The Death of Ivan Ilyich, War and Peace, Notes From the Underground, The Bell Jar, The Awakening, Venus In Furs, Anna Karenina, Shakespeare's Complete Sonnets, The Complete Tales and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe. Rant,The Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian, Rosie Dunne, Beijing Doll,Kabul Beauty School,Flight,Ten Little Indians,The Harry Potter series,A Series of Unfortunate Events,The Good Omen,Smoke and Mirrors,Fairest,Lipstick Jihad,for colored girls who have considered suicide/when the rainbow is enuf,Bird by Bird,The Perks of Being a Wallflower,Saving Fish From Drowning,I Was A Teenage Dominatrix,The Secrets of Water,Any book of Olivia's artwork (she does a lot of cheesecake stuff),Geisha: A Life,Prozac Nation,Smack,Colonize This!,Kurt Cobain's diaries,Death's Acre,The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon,The Spiral Staircase,Grimm's Grimmest,The Icarus Girl, Fast Food Nation, Vodka Tears and Lenin's Angel.


Beth Ditto.Davey Havok, because he is seriously the prettiest man ever.Ms.Danielle D (aka Chokotaco), the coolest Army woman I know!

My Blog

My clumsiest dear, whose hands shipwreck vases.

Auntie Jezzie's gonna tell y'all right now that seven years is too fucking long of a time period to spend crying over ANYBODY. I don't care if it's your ex wife, ex husband, high school sweetheart, or...
Posted by Kathleen [RIP BBR] on Wed, 23 Apr 2008 01:44:00 PST

USB mixed tapes; this answers the problem of how you can still make the damn things in 2008!

Credit goes to a certain Ms.Jamie for linking me :)  Behold! Awesomeness.*[Yes, I realize awesomeness is not a word. Who cares, honestly?]...
Posted by Kathleen [RIP BBR] on Wed, 23 Apr 2008 12:20:00 PST

Sugar: My drug of choice.

Let me start off with HOLY CRAP I GET TO INTERVIEW JANICE MIRIKITANI TOMORROW!  Janice is a prominent philanthropist in San Francisco. She was born in the Arkansas Japanese Internment camp. She a...
Posted by Kathleen [RIP BBR] on Tue, 22 Apr 2008 10:24:00 PST

Sonya Nimri and Wendy Peltier are some bad ass women.

I was browsing through the March/April edition of Belle Armoire magazine [it's an arts and crafts magazine, mostly focusing on kitschy DIY] to discover Sonya Nimri. She has a website with such cool cr...
Posted by Kathleen [RIP BBR] on Fri, 18 Apr 2008 10:28:00 PST

{Ode to a Nightingale} {Keats}

MY heart aches, and a drowsy numbness pains My sense, as though of hemlock I had drunk, Or emptied some dull opiate to the drains One minute past, and Lethe-wards had sunk: 'Tis not through en...
Posted by Kathleen [RIP BBR] on Sun, 13 Apr 2008 10:10:00 PST

[Intimations of Immortality from Recollections of Early Childhood] [Wordsworth]

This poem is FUCKING LONG, I'm not going to lie, but it's beautiful commentary about how as you get older, you forget to love the simple things. THERE was a time when meadow, grove, and stream, ...
Posted by Kathleen [RIP BBR] on Sun, 13 Apr 2008 08:50:00 PST

Ladies, do you have any old Prom dresses laying around?

In High School, myself and lots of girls I knew didn’t really have the cash to get a new dress [fortunately, my mom had purchased this fabulous ball gown for me my sophomore year for winter ball...
Posted by Kathleen [RIP BBR] on Thu, 10 Apr 2008 12:39:00 PST

[Sonnet 145]

Those lips that Love’s own hand did makeBreathed forth the sound that said ’I hate’To me that languish’d for her sake;But when she saw my woeful state,Straight in her heart did...
Posted by Kathleen [RIP BBR] on Tue, 08 Apr 2008 01:18:00 PST

Im going to Seattle and I need fashion advice! [for a week]

As some of you know, I’m going to Seattle at the end of June to see my beloved friend/doppleganger Tiah get hitched. Instead of renting a room at the Marqueen or staying at a hostel, her friend ...
Posted by Kathleen [RIP BBR] on Mon, 07 Apr 2008 11:11:00 PST


We are turning into a nation of whimpering slaves to Fear -- fear of war, fear of poverty, fear of random terrorism, fear of getting down-sized or fired because of the plunging economy, fear of gettin...
Posted by Kathleen [RIP BBR] on Sat, 05 Apr 2008 07:07:00 PST