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"WhaT caN I saY? We wEreN't mUch moRe tHan a cOupLe oF youNg puNks.."
The PuNk eRa haS aLwayS bEeN tHe moSt difFicuLt pEriod oF roCk tO chRonicLe.. 'Punk Dairy' is a deFiNitivE reFereNce guiDe foR tHis pReviousLy uNcappabLe arEa, a coMpLetist's dReam..yOu sHouLd rEaD tHiS..!
In hiS owN woRds, Bob MarLey eXpLores moRtaLity, miLitaNce, aNd tHe rEvoLutioNary feRvor tHat dRives hiS muSic...