Ulunma AKA Nnenna profile picture

Ulunma AKA Nnenna

Just a complex individual; Simple mindedness merely scratches the surface of my existence.

About Me

Hello everyone! My name is Nnenna and I am a model in addition to everything else that I am. I am very hopeful, very optimistic, and very hard working. I was born in Houston TX, however, I spent 12 years of my life in Nigeria. I am the second oldest of five girls that my mom gave birth to. Both my parents are Nigerians and they came to the states to study; when they finished their degrees they took my sister (Ola) and I (2 at the time) back to Nigeria with them. My parents ended up having three more girls and I retured to the states at 14 years old. I completed high school in Austin TX, attended Texas A&M University, and graduated with a degree in Chemistry. My background and experience in Nigeria make me part of who I am today. Apart from that I am a fun loving person. My nickname is smilie and that's because I smile a lot and I also laugh too much and sometimes can't stop myself but am currently getting help with that. I laugh because I am easily amused and that's what helps me get through life without wallowing in negativity. My motto in life is to never do to others DELIBERATELY what I wouldn't like them to do to me.
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My Interests

Topics that deal with Poverty, Hunger and diseases in Africa, Fair Trade in Africa, and drug research. I love traveling, dancing, and cooking.

I'd like to meet:

Nelson Mandela, other humanitarians like Oprah, Waris Dirie, Angelina Jolie, and Bono, and anyone who is positive and can contribute to making me a better person.


John Mayer, James Blunt, Timbaland Tracks, Lil Wayne, and 2Face Idibia.


Good will Hunting and Shawshank Redemption, Road to Perditin, Crash, Collateral and Old Boy(Brilliant!).


Forensic Sciene on Court TV (now Real TV since 1/1/08).


Letters To A Young Poet by Rainer Maria Rilke Translated by M.D. Herter Norton and Words Under the Words (Selected Poems by Naomi Shihab Nye).


Nelson Mandela and Everyone who contributed to achieving Human rights and equality.

My Blog

Thanks Fans for the SMILES you have brought me. Muah:)!

Recently I have been going through some difficulties and I have to remind myself to smile no matter what.  Worrying and stressing are the most useless emotions, cause at the end of the day you li...
Posted by Ulunma AKA Nnenna on Sat, 09 Jun 2007 08:04:00 PST

Go RED!!!

Hi Everyone, I genuinely appreciate all the mails from fans and well wishers and I apologize if I am not able to reply on time or to all.  On a different note I just wanted to express the joy I f...
Posted by Ulunma AKA Nnenna on Sat, 14 Oct 2006 12:40:00 PST

Make Your Own Rules!

I have a few principles that I strive to live by and it has helped me shape my life and strength.  I will like to share the quotes that have inspired and emporwered me in my continuous Journey th...
Posted by Ulunma AKA Nnenna on Wed, 17 May 2006 03:45:00 PST

I love my Fans!

Dear Friends and Fans thank you so much for all the support and well wishing e-mails and messages.  I truly appreciate everyone and you all have made the entire experience of ANTM more pleasant.&...
Posted by Ulunma AKA Nnenna on Sun, 14 May 2006 08:57:00 PST

Ask questions that disturb the Universe and demand positive changes.

Success to me is demonstrating a love for what ever it is you do and having an exceptional understanding of the world around you and a passion for knowledge.  It is proven that dedication and thi...
Posted by Ulunma AKA Nnenna on Fri, 07 Apr 2006 10:06:00 PST