59 Chase651Manhattan profile picture

59 Chase651Manhattan


About Me


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Member Since: 1/20/2006
Influences: Leech Lake Indian Hip Hop Bro’ on the Move Chase Monchamp (Chase- Manhattan) with roots in Inger, MN and ties to the Twin Cities music scene has been breakin’ into the field with 2 CD’s. His first CD was produced at the Institute of Production and Recording (IPR) in Mpls and his second CD was dropped in January 2008; a 15 song demo Redskin in a Black and White world. He is currently working on upcoming CD due to drop late 2008 or early 2009. Chase has participated in Scribble Jam at First Avenue in Mpls, along with Free Style Battles in Santa Fe, NM and does weekly shows at Arnellia’s club in St. Paul, MN. Chase has been actively writing and producing music since 2005 in collaboration with Nates Beats (Mpls) and SO Col (East St. Louis) along with projects with New Mexico Farmington‘s Finest and producer Gentle GZ. Chase attended the Institute of American Indian Art and attributes his flavor and style to his American Indian influences and the Great Leech Lake Nation. of which he is a proud member. Chase can be reached for booking or CD’s at: chasemanhattan59@hotmail.com or at myspace url/59chasemanhattan.
Sounds Like: THIS
Type of Label: None