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About Me

I read this thing by Brian Andreas recently that said he "... had a friend who used to ride bareback in the circus. In one picture I've seen she is wearing blue sequins with her smile spread as wide as her arms. One time I asked her was it hard to balance? No, she said, you always balance. Only sometimes, she added, you balance on your butt." I think that pretty much sums up my attitude. The true test of someone is not how positive they can be when things are grand. You have to smile AS WIDE AS YOUR ARMS when your balancing on your butt. Oh, and don't forget the blue sequins.

My Interests

Learning, Sailing, Boats, Snorkeling, Scuba, Words, Tempting Fate, Riding my Beach Cruiser, Hiking, Music, Photography, Shelling peanuts in the sunny seats, Fly Fishing, Belly rubs, Making an ass out of myself (pref. on a regular basis), getting lost, Travel, Travel, Travel, People watching, Habla Espanol in Isla Mujeres, Movies, an evil card game called 'Eat Shit & Go Die', People who make an ass out of themselves (pref. on a regular basis), big belly laughs. Right now, I'm really interested in a Taylor Pork Roll Sandwich!


A little Fleetwood Mac, some Tom Petty, John "The Coug" Mellencamp, Lionel Richie or a Bon Jovi love ballad never hurt anyone. I keep it current though by listening to all of the cool stuff that my friends turn me on to.


Amalie, Blade Runner (Director's Cut), Breakfast at Tiffany's, The Matrix, Napoleon Dynamite, Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, Harvey, Time Bandits, Swingers, Clash of the Titans, Tootsie


My recent hospital stay reacquainted me to the wonders of the the Discovery Channel. Actually, it was either that or Prayer TV. Discovery Channel is dy-no-mite!


Always on the list: To Kill a Mockingbird and Le Petit Prince. Bronte. Old Favorites: Evening. The Life of Pi. High Fidelity. Executioner's Song. Love in the Time of Cholera. Recent Additions: The Mercy of Thin Air. The Golden Compass. Three Cups of Tea: One Man's Mission to Promote Peace One School at a Time. Rules for Old Men Waiting. Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close. A Brief History of the Dead. Why girls are weird.


"The master in the art of living makes little distinction between his work and his play, his labor and his leisure, his mind and his body, his information and his recreation, his love and his religion. He hardly knows which is which. He simply pursues his vision of excellence at whatever he does, leaving others to decide whether he is working or playing. To him he's always doing both."