My interests include Martial Arts, Mainly Jeet Kun Do and Brushido Kempo, although i am learning Taekwondo to get more flexible. I wrestled in College and like the competition. I enjoy spending time with My wife driving her crazy. A relaxing day for me is having some friends over watching a pay per view UFC and my boy Mike Swick moppin it up with fools and of course sippin on an Ole Keg.
I would like to meet anybody that i have known before and have lost touch with. especially from the days i used to bounce at ODDS in DC, way back when and at Mr. Days.%D%A%D%AThe people i would like to meet would be the no drama type people. People who take life as it comes, but who enjoy what it brings. I like all types of people and i never meet a stranger. One of my favorite sayings is by M. Ghandi and he says "You may never know what results come from your action. But if you do nothing, there will be no result." ? Mahatma Gandhi%D%A%D%AWhat an Inspired person. %D%A%D%A
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Doesnt matter, as long as there is a phat beat and i can bob my bald head to it i enjoy it.
Anything funny. My favorite movies of all time would be going from oldest till now would be1. Dumb and dumber( the snowball scene)2. National Lampoons van Wilder ( bulldog and taking that shit to the car wash scene with taj)3. Old School(It tastes so good once it touches the lips)4. Wedding Crashers. (you motorboating son of a bitch, were they built for speed or comfort) hahahah
UFC, and strong man competitions. I watch CSI Vegas like its going out of style and i am the moron who will stay and watch when the CSI all season marathon comes on. Hey i know, its my only crutch.
First the Killed my father. Its about a women who survived the Pol Pot regime. What a nasty 4 years
My heroes would have to include my step dad. He stepped up when i was 6 and has loved my mom and stood by my side ever since. 3 time war hero and one hell of a man.