A i D a profile picture

A i D a

~@~ My broken heart continues to beat... ~@~

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~@~ bALaDA ~@~ pOP rOCk ~@~ sEnTimENtaL ~@~ oLDieS ~@~ dAnGduT ~@~


~@~ pUTerI gUnuNG LeDAnG ~@~ LizzIE mCguIre tHE moVIe ~@~ kUntiLanAK ~@~ HaRRy PottER ~@~ tHe MatRix ~@~ SpIDerMAn ~@~ KiNg KonG ~@~ SuPERmaN rEturNS ~@~


~@~ pUtEri ~@~ MeLOdi ~@~ sMAlLviLle ~@~ pUnk'D ~@~ MacAM2 AzNIL ~@~ aC dIsiNi ~@~ SeNSasI ~@~ d'SeBaliK mLm ~@~ dUnIa Baru ~@~ dUa HaTI ~@~


~@~ rEMajA ~@~ rEadeR dIGesT ~@~ cLEo ~@~ 123 I lOVe U ~@~ URTV ~@~ mAnGGa ~@~ iRrEmaJa ~@~ tEnGGelAmNya KaPAl vAN dEr wICk ~@~


~@~ mY dAD ~@~

My Blog

20 tHiNgS aBoUt Me!!!

I LiKe (J'aDoRe)... 1) mY pArEnT n fAmIly 2) DrIvInG 3) PlaYiNg GaMeS EsPeCiAlLy Pc AnD pS 4) WaSh mY cAr 5) WaTcHiNg MoVie 6) MuSiC - oLdIeS, PoP RoCk, BaLaDa,...DaNgDuT???(No KoMeN) 7)...
Posted by A i D a on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Best Friend

Someone I can talk to Someone I can trust. Someone who will be there When my relationships rust. Someone who will save me, When everything goes wrong. Someone who will comfort me And help me...
Posted by A i D a on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Why woman always cry

Why Women Cry Why are you crying, a young boy asked his Mom? "Because I'm a woman," she told him. "I don't understand," he said. His Mom just hugged him and said, "And you never will...
Posted by A i D a on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST