I Luv To do outDOor ActiViTies Such As Camping, JunGle TrekKINg,SwimmIng and Others.. I also One tHe Taekwondo MEmBErs Of MGTF..i like To do Charity Job during Free Time..i alsO One Of tHE red Cresent committee..I like To reAd comic an magAzines..I have Many collection In My HOuse..sucH as Detective COnan, GemPak, Ujang, UtopIA, DragOn Ball and The Text Book..:p
l lIke To meet Friends From My sChool, EspeciallY who are from Wira Class n Also Putra class in Year 1996 - 2000 in SmKs 19, shah Alam..anD No forgetten my classMAte Since Diplome n deGree, All Fc PKN (2004), Taekwondo Members, PBsm Members, and also The SKP Group..also want to find FrienD who HaVe saME InteRest wiTh ME..for the Some One i Don'T Mentioned About..Don't HuRt Feeling key..I love to Have Friends wiTh U guys..
My FavOurite Music mOre On SentimenTal sonG and Pop..THis kInd oF Music Will Effect My mood..wiTh The Music it can mAke us More Comfortable..Right HAH!..i luv to Heard the SOng Brown Eyes, Possiblity, Wham, Hotel California and Also Graduation From Vitamin C..Myfavourite Group such as InTEam And wesTlife..
LorD of The Ring 1 to 3, The Sixth Sense, GTO, stAirway To Heaven, SamAra, The Pacifier, Jumanji, Tarzan The Movie, CSI, Akademi Fantasia, MalaysiAN IDol, Cyber cop, and the latest drama series froM kOrean such AS mY girl N Full House..and many More..Banyak Sangat citer faveret ye kan takde space nak R Tulis Lak..:p
asTro the best Channel..bUt i seldom Watch Tv..coz dont' Have time..Bz ma!
lateLy, I dun Have Time To Read WhateVer Types of BooK or MagaziNEs..Bz Skit..heheheh..but i LoVe to read NoVel From ALaf 21..when I'm Bored, I Will Review My ColLection Of MagaZines such As Ujang, Utopia n Many More..N Also My DetectIve Conan..( I juSt miss seVeral EpiSOde from This CoMics)
My Favourite Heroes in guyS That Act in Stairway To Heaven and GTO and the latest hero from My Girl. SeoL Gong Chan (TerLUpa Nama Betul Dak Tu). n not t'forget to F4 , u guYs are Charming..Do nOt Jeles K..hehehe