gary profile picture


working 55+ a week

About Me

hey what's up, names dave or any of the following nik names ( pee, sammy, bald gary, gary and whatever ones i get called) 21 years old working for FedEx Kinko's making copies each day keeing the world spinning with each copy i make LOL still going to school trying to finish up this 2 year degree i started out for once i graduated high school in 2003. i'll prolly be at Tri-C for life, but it's cheap and i can afford it so i am not gonna bitch too much. i do enough of that as it is. i am one of 6 kids i have 2 younger sisters an older sister and 2 older brothers and a beautiful niece who is 7 yeard old. i love my family they are always there. my / The Crew consists of me, blaze, nick, hoss and idiot. we have a good time when together, usually consists of booze, and worthless trips but we occasionally make a good decision and make a trip worth while, and if not we have fun no matter what. i have two close girl friends that i can't forget to mention, two different ends of the spectrum a lil bit, one (suzie) is probably the most blatantly honest person i know and crazy (in a good way) and Amy is quiet and not a bad thing can be said bout her. i love em both, i just wish amy wasn't so damn busy at OSU all the time. ah well, yeah i dunno what else to say ask if you wanna know
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My Interests

cars, trucks, SUV's, ATV's, guns, computers, electronics, beer, liquor, shooting things, fishing, camping, boating, pool, stand up comedy

I'd like to meet:

The current and up and coming president and my grand fathers


metallica, linkin park, pantera, montgomery gentry, brad paisly (he signed my cowboy hat), shania twain, tim mcgraw, kinny chesney, sarah evans (i got a picture with her), garth brooks, sublime, ac/dc, start trouble, leann womack, alan jackson, kutless, switchfoot


all Jurassic Parks, the first Fast and Furious, 8 below (saw it recently with my neice, i am a fan of all Disney movies), the client, Walk the Line, Lord of the Ring (Fellowship of the ring, the Twin Towers & Return of the King), the Lion King, all Harry Potters, The Fugitive, DUMB and DUMBER, and there is more but i can't think of em right now


CSI, CSI New York, CSI Miami, Family Guy, American Dad, Simpsons, Seinfeld, MTV, King of the Hill


anything written by John Grisham


God, my dad, mom, brother phil, all my friends (especially Nick S. for all his awesome advice)...

My Blog

Vegas Vacation

Yeah so my parents were extremely nice enough to foot the bill for a 4 day trip to ..:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Las Vegas, NV.  It was me, my frie...
Posted by gary on Mon, 20 Aug 2007 04:47:00 PST

helping the homeless

yeah so wednesday night my sister get out of work down town and sees some homeless people huddled up in a blanket and on her way home decides it would be a very kind thing to go home gather up some cl...
Posted by gary on Thu, 08 Feb 2007 09:40:00 PST

Kramer Incident

has anyone read or heard about the while incident between Kramer (actor from Seinfeld / stand up comedian)?   any thoughts from anyone? &nbs...
Posted by gary on Tue, 28 Nov 2006 08:11:00 PST

Ask yourself this question and tell me what you answer is

ok here goes, and i want you to think bout this and tell me any answer you come up with:        "which one person in this country, if they died today, would everyone be i...
Posted by gary on Sun, 12 Nov 2006 08:11:00 PST


just got back atving down in canton, ohio.  it was a fucking blast.  had a lil mishap with my bike within the first 30 seconds of being on the trail.  but i put something together and m...
Posted by gary on Sun, 29 Oct 2006 05:08:00 PST

better car

Which car is the better of the two: KITT (Knight Rider)                           ...
Posted by gary on Thu, 14 Sep 2006 10:06:00 PST