I snick a pizza in the nursery when I was 1 year old. When I was four I vowed to never drink beer again. I shuved a crayon up my nose when I was six. I planted a hot dog tree when I was seven. I lost my mom when I was nine. I found my first dead body when I was twelve. I started drinking again when I was seventeen. I met Marge the love of my life when I was eightteen. I knocked Marge up when I was twenty five and then of course had to marry her. I started a barbershop quartet when I was twenty eight and Lisa was born. When I was thirty five I ate the worlds largest hoagie, and also ran out onto the baseball field during a pennant game and Marge gave birth to Maggie a dream come true. When I was thirty six I found my mom and figured out J. means Jay, I also meet my half brother and then bowled a perfect game, got shot in the gut with several cannon balls, climbed murder horn, and went into outerspace and sabotashed a space station.
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