Bdsm, Femdom, horror and explotation movies, history, history of religions, hinduism, christian and pagan gnosticism, sufism, occultism, anthropology, conspiranoia, dadaism and traditionalism (quite a contradiction. isn..t it?).
Cruel dommes with beautiful feet, bellydancers, CHAOS agents, militia members, pirates, HR, Jan van Leiden, Kant, Jacques de Molay, Manes, Boyd Rice, record collectors and other pretentious assholes...
Hardcore/punk, neofolk, industrial, ancient-classical, country, black metal, psychfolk,some martial and, of course, Franco Battiato.
The Avesta, Carl Jung, Arthur Machen, Yeats, Bakunin, Yukio Mishima, Palahniuk, Bukowski, Hakim Bey, Rene Guenon, Marguerite Yourcenar, Robert Graves, H.P Lovecraft, Otto Rahn, Howard Zinn, Mircea Eliade, Celine, Faulkner, Alvaro Cunqueiro, Ashton Smith, Ginsberg, Burroughs, Sacher Masoch, Robert E. Howard, The Bible, The Bhagavad Gita, The Quran, The Eddas...