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As I Lay me down to sleep I ask y them bytches hate on me. Why they smile in my face and hate behind my back. Damn, I swear one of these bytches gon get smacked. I'm on their mind mornin, noon, and night. They turn green with envy when I come into sight. As soon as I walk in the room, whispers start. I hope they don't think they r puttin fear in my heart. I tell em don't hate the player hate the game. Cuz the word constantly comin out everybodies mouth is my name. Some want me, some hate me, but the truth is they all love me cuz they wouldn't spend so much time thinking of me. ( so step yo game up and get like me)
Your Birthdate: September 30
You have the type of personality that people either love or hate.
You're opinionated, dramatic, intense, and very outspoken.
And some people can't get enough of you - they're totally addicted.
Others, well, they wish you were a little more reserved.
Your strength: Your flair
Your weakness: If you think it, you say it
Your power color: Scarlet red
Your power symbol: Inverted triangle
Your power month: March
What Does Your Birth Date Mean?
~Last Person...
Who Was The Last Person To:
Smile at you?: WENDELL
Say "hello" to you?: WENDELL,ANTONIO
Hug you?: WENDELL
Kiss you?: WENDELL
Make you cry?: SEAN
Make you think?: SEAN,JAY,WENDELL
Make you happy?: SEAN,JAY,WENDELL
Tell you goodbye?: FOLLY,WENDELL
Ride in a car with you?: WENDELL
Go on vacation with you?: N/A
Go to the movies with you?: CHELL,DEZ,AND BOXER
Go shopping with you?: ME MYSELF,AND I
Break your heart?: N/A
See you naked?: NONE OF UR BUZNESS
Give you a gift?: WENDELL,ANTONIO
Take a walk with you?: WENDELL
Ride a bicycle with you?: N/A, DONT RIDE DEM
Go out to eat with you?: WENDELL
Call you on the phone?: JAY,WENDELL,BERT,JOSH, MAL
Send a text message to you?: WENDELL
Send an IM to you?: SHAUN
Add you to his/her friends list?: IDK
Tell you they were sorry?: WENDELL
Share dessert with you?: N/A
Teach you something new?: WENDELL
Surprise you?: WENDELL
Touch your life so much that it made you cry?: SEAN,JAY, & WENDELL
Talk you into something you didn't want to do?: NO BODY, I GOT MY OWN MIND :)
Bust you doing something you shouldn't have been doing?: NOBODY
Wipe your tears?: WENDELL
Tell you a secret?: NO SECRETS 4 US
You told a secret to?: NO ONE
Asked you for advice?: ARRIONE
Invited you to a party?: IDK
Rubbed your back until you fell asleep?: WENDELL
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