Steph profile picture


ELLO! ^-^

About Me

I don't like this's so difficult....well then let's see here....Um....I am 15, 16 in april (score! ^-^) I'm really super weird......seriously..... my nick name is..... well you can call me odd ball or stef or- you know what? You decide what you wish to call me....I have to many nicknames.... *sigh* Yeah.....Oh and to Jos and Suzi (you know who you are!) Are you happy now? I finally have a my space.....Heesh! XP

My Interests

Um...isn't this the same thing as the about me? Well Not exactly, but close enough! . Well intrests? These are some tricky questions....okay I LOVE MUSIC! I do everything with music. I love music....heh heh already said that.... umm....oh I love anime and manga of course! I'm interested in alot of things so yeah...I'm just going to shut up now.

I'd like to meet:

Well....people.....perferably... but in all seriousness (which I'm not the best at) As long as you're not some creepy old guy (or girl) I don't really care.... I just like to talk to people! ^-^