Chelsea profile picture


Your Curtain Laughter

About Me

Hi, I'm Chelsea. I love music, dogs, adventures, reading mystery/sci fi/adventure novels, playing video games, black olives. Oh, and Tetris.. and shampoo is quite nice. I'm a little eccentric but easy to get along with.. the rest is in the profile. My msn's down there if you wanna know more. Peace out nukka.

My Interests

Hanging out with friends is my favourite way to spend a weekend. Brandon would be my best friend, for the past 18 years of my whole life, and then there's a bunch of us who get together all the time.

I wasn't interested in barbies or anything like that when I was younger. I preferred digging up dirt and playing sports. Dinky Cars & building forts and tree houses, dissecting grasshoppers..I got called a tomboy a lot, mostly by guys who were pissed I could kick a soccer ball further than them. Soccer is probably the only sport I still catch up on, with the occasional touch football game.

I love alternative photography, making and writing music, my keyboard, and empty water bottles. I love animals and enjoy being outside although I am inside fairly often.

I love video games and the hours I spend on them. It started with Mario and Sonic in the early 90's and since then has deeply grown. Tetris, Pokemon, Legend of Legaia, Castlevania for N64, Killer Instincts, Mortal Kombat (especially 3), Circus Charlie, Final Fantasy VII & VIII & X, Golden Eye, and Halo 1 & 2 get honorable mentions fo sho. I love the music from video games, and the sense of nostalgia it brings. RPG's are presently my favourite type of game, as well as many others. Halo 2 is the game I play most right now, although it's painfully addictive and sucks hardcore at the moment. Feel free to add me, I just renewed my XBL account for another year and cleared some space on my friend list. I'm not horrible, but nothing close to amazing. I have a lot of fun while I play, and enjoy getting kicks out of people screaming 'Omg a girl! Go eat a burrito and wash your face! You must be over 300lbs if you like video games!' Yeah..
GT: Im Not Chelsea
Also, I'll kick your ass at DDR :Dps: Hey Empire Theatres, fix your fucking machine.

I'd like to meet:

I love meeting new people! I find people interesting and love getting to know most of them, the more eccentric the better.

I'm on msn pretty much every day, feel free to add [email protected] if you'd like to get to know me better. I've had that email address for a few years now, and was going through an OLP phase when I made it. I like the name Raine so much I'm considering naming my child Raine, if I decide to have any children. I also love the name Rinoa, and am completely aware it's from Final Fantasy VIII so don't bother pointing that out.

Also, I'm starting to get a few problems with people adding me and me not answering right away. Sorry! A lot of the time I'm not even at my computer but I leave msn on in case one of my friends needs to contact me. We don't use phones in Saint John. So once again, please don't get mad if I don't respond right away, there's a reason!!


I respect and appreciate all music, and like just about everything. I don't have a certain kind I always listen to, but you name it and I've probably heard of it. The only kind of music I really can't stand listening to would be Pop Punk or whatever else you wanna label it. IE bands like Simpleplan, Blink 182 or +44, Good Charlotte, stuff like that. It makes me wanna tare my hair out.


Oh man.. I'm a total movieholic. Reqiuem for a dream, The Virgin Suicides, Home Room, Most Disney movies, Se7ven, The Saw trilogy, The Scream trilogy, Freddy series (Nightmare on Elm Street), Jason series (Friday the 13th, especially 8, Jason takes Manhattan), Michael Meyer series aka Halloween (except Resurrection, that one can kiss my ass), 300, The Blue Lagoon, American beauty, American History X, Sleepy Hollow, Now and Then, Casper (1995), Hocus Pocus, Prozac Nation, Disturbia, Grindhouse, Nightmare Before Christmas, The Texas Chainsaw Massacres, Edward Scissorhands, Wuthering Heights, Alice Sweet Alice, Dodgeball, Grandma's boy, The Labyrinth, Disturbing Behaviour, Batman & Robin, soo many more..


I watch Law & Order (original) almost every day, and that's it for a regular basis. I did love Buffy a lot when I was younger, and if I'm bored I'll watch Aqua Teen Hunger Force or other hilarious cartoons on Teletoon late at night. I feel bad for whoever doesn't have that station, and it's sure as fuck not the same as MTV :D


Wuthering Heights, Scar Tissue, and random real life books based on murderers. Harry Potter pretty much owns.

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Other than the coolest directors of all time? (Wes craven & Tim Burton). Those flying monkeys from the Wizard of Oz.