Singing and Traveling. Flying..I take trapeze and aerial arts. I love swimming and spending time with my dog. I have many interests, I think too many to name.
All you artists who are struggling out there. All those who know their talent is great and they can't get it out to anyone. I'm talking about DJs, Bands, Singers, Photographers, Poets, Comics, Writers...artists of every kind.With the help of some amazing artists we have just started DurtyBlues Productions and it's helping everyone who deserves it. We started this because we kept running into some amazing people out there who were showcasing their talents around a fire...or a computer....or just hanging in a room. Times where we sat there and said how did we get so lucky to be front row to this.Within months the word has spread and DurtyBlues is already getting involved with some pretty amazing things for the New Year. We are currently working on our website...but 2008 is time to start a new.It's going to be an amazing journey and I hope that you can come along for the ride.
All of it...accept elevator music (although I'm not sure what that means anymore, I heard a Rock song the other day in string was weird). The Blues - MR. BB KING....yeah baby. I love Reggae, Rock, Metal....
GOONIES!!!!!!!!!!!!! Amadeus, Big Chill, Harry Potter 1, 2 & 3, Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, Indiana Jones...Okay so I grew up with a lot of boys what can I tell you...
Seinfeld, South Park, Friends, Will & Grace, Crossing Jordan, Las Vegas, Fear Factor, Smallville (but mostly for the guy who plays superman), Law & Order and CSI...Pretty much TV in general.
Any Anne Rice or Dean Koontz books. Autobiography of a Yogi, Four Agreements, The Mists of Avalon, Da Vinci Code, The Shinning, Silence of the books..give it to me and I'll read it. The same day if it's good.
My Parents. Mr. Bob Marley and Mr. BB King. Anyone who can be selfless and Christ-like.