rehab hymn profile picture

rehab hymn

nobody half ass it better

About Me

Tell me where to play... tour times coming

the 2005 previously unreleased... EXPRESSION OF SICKNESS album is available for a short time right here

I am currently in the process of recording my second solo...massive respect to all the people who have offered there patience and supportThe POOR EXCUSE album is pending... but it's good.BLACKOUT SANDS is pending as well but I think it's really dope.I am part of the shitcreek family...also one of the survivng members of the monotonous music collective. Played some shows.... made some songs ... gathered some friends and plan on continuing to do so as long as Im [email protected] LIKES....erica, clean socks, mexican food, beer,traveling long distances, fire escapes, trains, truckstops, downtown, good smoke, after shows, rain, stickers, depth, bbq's, ocean, desert, mountains, dive bars, sloppy art, family, mornings, writing, clouds, comedy, mexico, passion, clean laundry, good music, dollar menu's DISLIKES... weak shower heads, greed, untruth, narcotics, rudeness, good grammer, yuma, empty cupboards, fergie, expensive gas, gambling, our government, track homes, last call, weak gravvy, flat beer, intolerance.if you read all this ...ADD ME... and share me with your friends... Shoot me a message and we'll talk.... catch me out and we'll have a drink...

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My Interests


Member Since: 11/2/2004
Band Website:
Band Members: __________________________________________________________ rehab hymn all my fam I play shows with & the few folk Im involved in projects with... ________________________________________________________
Influences: shitcreek, suffering, family, home-less people, booze, ex-girlfiends, my current girlfriend (forever!), the blues, my boys, strangers, growing up with my pop's classic rock, female vocalists, traveling, art, living poetry, sacred rituals, early graffiti, b-boys, long road-trips, riding the bus, beats, drums, conspiracies, 1996, the desert, animals, the sky, philosophy, carlos castaneda, shamanism, smiles, frowns, hope, hip-hop, free-styling, writing, the un-seen. Syrus King *rip*, my home-town, my past. the future. watching the sun set and rise. listening to old rap tapes and drinking malt liquor, the combined smell of sweet smoke and ocean air.
Sounds Like: my inner child screaming sounds like a euphoric headache ive had for the last 6 years
Record Label: uh... ?
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Denver for a while...

I have now been in Denver Colorado a few weeks and the house is functioning fairly well. Myself along with n1nthcloud(trace and broken from las vegas), Egadz(s.f.), Adrift(milwaukee) and the little ho...
Posted by rehab hymn on Mon, 24 Sep 2007 03:48:00 PST