mAgPaSaWaY! at mAg-iNaRtE! hehe..swiMmin,fUd3p, TV, sLeEp oL dAy, teXtiN/teLeBabad, nEt, ShOPpin & LotSa sHoPpin!gReen stUffs, spOrtS, mOvieS, mUsicHaVing fUn, pLayiNg voLLeybaLL and tEnniS, spLiffS, driNkin, taLkinG,meEtinG nEw piPoL, dAnCing, meSsiN aRoUnd, coLLeCtiN sHoEs
anyone... definitely YOU!!!
pRetTy mUch eveRytHing aNd aNytHiNg tHat sOuNds gUd at thAt pArTicUlaR tiMe.. bUt I luV dAncEhaLL, sLoW jAmS, RnB, HiPHoP, rAp, tRaNs, tEcHnO, AcOuStic, ALterNativ, RoCk, SeNti, MeLLow, SLOw JaMs, onting rEgGaE, LhAt nA kAyA...hehe..
dEviL wEaRs pRaDa, hOt cHiCk, wYt cHicKs, sOrOritY bOyS, miT d fOcKRs, cHeApR bY d dOzN, sLaCkRs, bRiNgiN dWn d hAuS, gEs hU?, d' NoTeBuk! mEaN grLs, LeGLLy bLoNdE, StrSkY & HuTcH, aNimL, DeUcE B. Male G., 50 1st d8s, wEd. SiNgr, aLonG cmE pOLLy, dUpReE, d'bReAkUp, nYt@rOxBuRy, sUpAhsTr, CoRky, BrUcE ALmytY, mE mYsLf & iReNe, 13gOin30, bEdDzLd, aCe vEn2rA, jZ mrRiEd, dUdE wErS mY cAr?, vAn wiLdr, dUpLx, aMRiCn piE, zOoLNdr, BiG Fat GrEeK Wed, grFieLd, cLicK, mY bStFrNd'S wEd, aMRicA's sWitHrTs, mY sUpR X-gf, mS.cOnGeNiALitY, sHallow haLL, nAcHo LiBrE, sWeEt nOv., sErEndPtY, bRidGet jOnEs diArY, cHaRLiE's aNgLs, coLd mOuNtAin, LoSer, d'Fst&d FuRiOuS, tOkyO dRift, XXX, tOrQuE, rUn DoWn, miAmi viCe, bLadE, vAn HeLSinG, mAtrix, Spidrmn I-2-3, KiLL BiLL 1-2, RiNg, GrUdGe, sEriEs oF uN42n8 eVnts, tExs cHaiNsw, wRoNg tUrN, sHrEk, nEmO, mOnstRs iNc, iCe aGe, cOuNt oF mOntE cRiStO, tRoY, piRaTes of d C., oNcE uPon a tYm in mExiCo, uNf8fuL, oRig.siN, cOyOte ugLy, mR&mRs, wiCkR pRk, 10tinGs i h8 aBt u, hw 2 Lus a gUy, pUnisHr, pAsSiOn oF tHe cHriSt..sObRnG dAmE, di kAsYa!
MtV, PuNk'd, cRiBs, jAcKaSs, piMp mah riDe, d hiLLs, wiLd bOyz, LaGuNa bEaCh, vh1-d fAmOuS LiFe oF CeLeBriTy cOupLes, mYx, gReYs aNaToMy, dR.hOuSe, dEsPeRaTe hOuSewiVeS, ChArMed, SmALLviLLe, WiLL&GrAcE, tHaT 70's sHoW, jErRy sPriNgEr, FuNniEst VidEos, SeX & d CitY, DisMissEd, WhAtEvR ThaNgs! FeAr FactOr, jAcK tV, wWe, eNtOuRaGe, PBA/NBA, cHisEeN, fAsHiOn tV, mOvi rEviEws, cArtOoN nEtwRk, diSnEy, niCkeLoDeOn, ripLey's, aNiMAL pLaNet, LoSt, etc etc!..
DaNieLLe StEeL, NicHoLaS SpArKs, DaN BrOwN..and othEr bEstSeLLr AduLt pOcKet bOoKs..duh.. aLsO, WHitE fLuffy cLOuds ni bRaNdOn bOyd.. cHacA uNg PDL n rEn..
my superman..