Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor - Image Hosting
Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor - Image Hosting
uhm,, anyThiNg thaT invoLveS MONEY,, i'm always interested in it... (lol!)i'M aLSo into giMMiCks. MuSic. MoVieS. MaLLs. BaRs. (in The phiLs.)
i'M iNTo a lil' Rock (eMo,,PoP Rock,,Punk rock... none of thoSe MeTal shiT) PoP of CourSe... uhm... RnB and HipHoP... and soMe OPM (original philippine music) *love your own*
a LoT! too LaZy tO eNuMeRaTe 'em all today... some otheR tiMe maybe.
i'M a DisNeY ChaNNeL FaN.The SuiTe LiFe Of ZaCk aNd Cody LiFe w/ DereK PhiL of ThE FuTuRe That's So RaVen...froM FOX,, HouSe AmeriCaN idoL TraDiNg SpouSeS DriVe...froM MTV,, TRL,, CriBs,, PiMp My RiDe,, Yo' MoMMa,, exPoSeD...froM EveyThin' eLse,, The NeXt BesT ThiNg,, AmeriCa's GoT TaLenT,, LaSt ComiC sTandiNg
DeCepTioN PoiNt,, AngeLs & DeMonS,, The DigiTaL ForTreSS,, De VinCi Code,, The 7HabiTs of highLy EffecTiVe TeenAgeRs... ALgeBra???