"To love. To be loved. To never forget your own insignificance. To never get used to the unspeakable violence and the vulgar disparity of life around you. To seek joy in the saddest places. To pursue beauty to its lair. To never simplify what is complicated or complicate what is simple. To respect strength, never power. Above all, to watch. To try and understand. To never look away. And never, never, to forget." - Arundhati Roy
I stole this slide of my niece/goddaughter/most beautiful and wonderful little girl in the world from Monique, her Godmother, who will still probobly be upset for the theft but cannot accuse of plagerizing or sue for copyright infringement because of formerly stated disclaimer.
"There is no Beauty but in relationships. Nothing cut off by itself is beautiful. Never can things in destructive relationship be beautiful. All beauty is in the creative purpose of our relationships."--Ayi Kwei Armah, Two Thousand Seasons
"Our lives are ruled by impermanence. but simply realizing that changes nothing. There is no value in bleak pessimism. The Challenge is how to create something of enduring value within the context of our impermanent lives." -Daisaku IkedaI want to meet anybody who is cool, grounded, fun to be around, and who knows that what little time we do have here on this planet should be spent with loved ones and doing the things that make us most happy. Why wait 'til you die when you can make your heaven on earth. I'm just looking for people to vibe and build with. If you can dig it...Holla.
All the time...it keeps me sane.
So many to watch, so little time...Friday, Life as a House, Batman Begins, Braveheart, SLAM, Identity, Pirates of the Caribbean, American History X, Million Dollar Baby, Goonies, and so many others...
Def Poetry Jam, Football and basketball games, Rescue Me, CSI Miami, Two and a Half Men, The George Lopez Show, The Shield, Family Guy, Simpsons, That 70's Show...What the hell happened? I went from not watching tv at all to this. I knew I should have never gotten cable!
The Stand, Said the Shotgun to the Head, She, The Dead Emcee Scrolls, the Improtance of being Earnest, A MidSummer Night's Dream, A Time to Kill, God's Go Begging, Angels and Demons, Da Vinci Code, Living in the Light, Pierced by the Sword, Misery, Hamlet, The Relic, Education and the Significance of Life, the Art of War, The Inferno, The Prince, Things fall Apart...
My father for being the first of his family to graduate from college, law school and provide his family with the type of life that he could only dream of as a child. My mother for loving me and never giving up on me no matter what. My Brother for being the only constant in my life, my best friend, and for stepping up as a man and taking care of this beautiful early Christmas blessing he recieved, his daughter. He's grown up so much this past year.