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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

This English girl somehow found herself living in Orange County with the rich, the beautiful and the palm trees. Unfortunately, although her heart and head have fallen in love, her bank balance has abandoned her to find another, more caring acquaintance. She enjoys sleeping, eating good food, drinking too much alcohol, reading books about political corruption, shopping - especially at times when she physically possesses no money, old school memories, hanging out at gigs and feeling 15 again, being nice to people she used to be nasty to, watching movies in bed, wearing footless tights when the fashion has long since died, complaining about her huge feet, trying to detox from diet coke and embracing the caffeine withdrawl headaches, lusting over hot Jewish men - especially those who are supposed to be in positions of authority, and so it appears - refering to herself in the 3rd person!.. Home | Browse | Search | Invite | Film | Mail | Blog | Favorites | Forum | Groups | Events | Videos | Music | Comedy | Classifieds

My Interests

Denying that I am anything like a typical student while I drink wine and discuss politics, racism, poverty and the general ills of this world and how people can make them better while governments make them worse - then laughing at the irony of the whole situation (or maybe it's the 2 bottles of wine consumed that makes me laugh).

I'd like to meet:

Somebody who will make me laugh so hard I do a little pee.


I'm not going to claim my music taste is eclectic like everybody else as this basically means you still listen to the stuff you did in your early teens for nostalgia and now you listen to something more cliche and predictable depending on what social group you ended up developing into. If you still want to read onto what has been circulating my itunes in recent months then go right ahead... Death Cab for Cutie, Minus the Bear, Regina Spektor, Jimmy Eat World, Incubus, The Who, The Arcade Fire, Libertines, Black Star, Busted, Forward Russia, Bruce Springsteen, Futureheads, GooGoo Dolls, My Chemical Romance, Hilary Duff, The Postal Service and other such wanky and predictable student music.


I still can't seem to think of any that I would call favourites. I like movies but there is only one I can watch over and over and over and over again, and that's Billy Madison. Please don't ask me why as I have absolutely no fucking idea.


Dawson's creek forever and ever and ever and ever and ever!


Again, imagine something cliche and predictable and I've probably read it and enjoyed it - although I've never opened, nor thumbed through a Harry Potter, a Lord of the Rings or a Hobbit book in my life.


Captain Planet. He's the Hero. Gonna take pollution down to ZERO!