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Children of the Cleg groupie

About Me

I am a very kind person who would do anything for anyone especially my georgous girl AMY whom i love very very much. I always try my best and enjoy the look on peoples faces when i make them smile. I Was born in Aldershot which has to be top on the all time list of chavy towns. I now live in farnham which is a bit better but its full of posh little twats sitting in all the pubs and returants going QWAF QWAF QWAF QWAF. The main thing really i remember about my childhood was that i spent alot of time with my nan and grandad and my 2 cousins colin and leon. we did so much together learning how to survive in a forest, how to make a bow and arrow, swimming all sorts really. It was great fun and me and my cousins have always been close friends especially me and colin who now share a rented house with my little brother trevor. I have 2 younger brothers and 2 younger sisters and being the oldest is kind of hard sometimes because they all look up to me and i dont want them doing the stupid stuff i did when i was younger, although saying that they are all very good kids and have turned out amazing and i know that we are all very close and would always stick by each other no matter what. I had a really silly time at school not ever paying attention and just trying to be the joker of the class just to get along with the fucking idiots who would always get me in trouble in the end. Sometimes i suppose i did bring it on myself i was the first person in our schol to get the new 2 hour detention that was introduced and i got it for the gayest thing ever. My German teacher mr freeman gave me a 2 hour detention for farting in class he had warned me for about the last few weeks to stop but it was making everyone laugh and i was a real guff machine back then so every time he went to speak i would let rip.haha he lost the plot and i got kicked out of german class and had to do my work in the corridor with the other idiots. I also got suspended for something that happened in miss heliwells maths class. Well my mate phil was playing with a ruler on the table (you know where you make it vibrate and it makes a sound) and she turned around and imidiatly blammed me giving me a bollocking. Well that just provoked the response "HOW THE FUCK COULD YOU SEE THAT WAS ME HAVE YOU GOT A CAMERA UP YOUR BROWNEYE" well she went bright red started crying and booted me out.haha. I made two other teachers cry and i was a little shit doing the old classic of setting the gas taps on fire in the science labs and always smoking at school and bunking off all the time to get pissed. oh well that was my education down the drain.haha I did go to college where i studied catering but that did not last very long as i got caught smoking weed in the changing rooms and getting pissed behind the bar of the resturant we had on campus. At which point my step dad swiftly shipped me off to the Royal Navy which actually ended up sorting me out I THINK!!!!! I got 2 medals in the navy and had such an easy life going out on the piss 7 days a week getting paid loads of money to spend on good clothes and seing loads of countrys that i though i never would. I also learnt how to drink 2 bottles of Chinzano in 4 stops on the train from Portsmouth to Winchester.haha. I used to live only for today and in the end i had to sort myself out. I got out of the navy and tryed to join the fire brigade but i broke my fucking ancle at Gaz Brimbles bowling alley and that sent me really downhill and the next 5 years was a complete fuck up involving stupid meaningless relationships, drugs, never keeping jobs and general chaos. Well i am now all grown up and have goals in my life. I have found a real soalmate in my girlfriend Amy. I have given up drugs and cut down drinking loads. I now enjoy my job driving for the mod and have realised that you only get one chance in life and it can soon pass you by, and i got a kick up the arse and now the future looks very promising. I want to grow old with Amy i know you never know what will happen in the future but she has given me perpose in life and one day i want to get married and have a big family and be very sucessful in whatever i do. I never felt this before and now i intend to grab it by the balls and do what i have always wanted to do and that is be happy and fun and exciting. I could waffle on for ages but ill leave you with this. Sometimes a oppertunity comes along in your life wether you are a child or an adult and it could just be the best thing that has ever happened to you. So dont let it pass you buy and if you work hard enough and stick in there your dreams will come true just as mine have. Layout Provided By - Myspace Layouts

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My Blog

My old about me for all you losers

Lets start from the beginning.. i was born in the louise margret hospital, aldershot tenessee hampshire. i was then shipped off from the age that i can remember to a little road called number six bar...
Posted by stano on Fri, 24 Nov 2006 03:07:00 PST

ya ya ay

cunts cunts i tell thee.... what about a nice fibreglass hot fllnel it is all good for you.   I promis its real its beginin with this final scrimpinn this final scrimpdog action the one true time...
Posted by stano on Sat, 23 Sep 2006 05:32:00 PST

my mums willy

interesting isnt it how i just woke up and realised that im fucking hammered still.. just got off the phone to everyone just doing the rounds i was and i was pleasently surprised that i have not done ...
Posted by stano on Sat, 09 Sep 2006 03:01:00 PST

blog didi fuck fuck

In case you haddenet noticed i just got in about 1/2 an hoyur ago and i cant said what i wanted to to the grevious something in me kitche.HHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDOOOOOOOOOOOOO oooooo f...
Posted by stano on Fri, 20 Jan 2006 06:16:00 PST