I love cinnamon roll flavored instant oatmeal
Check blogs and bulletin postings for Monday Poetry For All.
writing, reading, speleeng gud, advanced calculus, streaking with clothes on, and hunting sage rats.
www.radiohead.com www.sandiegosymphony.net www.sufjan.com www.jose-gonzalez.com
Big Fish, Transformers: The Movie, Pride & Prejudice, Batman, anything with Tony Curtis, Amelie, Being John Malkovich, and Charleton Heston's interpretation of The Ten Commandments.
CURRENTLY READING: Novels The Chosen, by Chaim Potok Till We Have Faces, by CS Lewis The Violent Bear it Away, by Flannery O..Connor Poetry Charles Simic John Berryman Juan Ramón Molina Mark Jarman Nonfiction New Seeds of Contemplation, by Thomas Merton