smt ♥ profile picture

smt ♥

Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn.

About Me

we do it in the dark
with smiles on our faces
i love him more than you :)
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥&hea rts;♥♥
I enjoy...
+ Rich +
+ starbucks +
+ food +
+ my friends +
+ my pets +
+ driving +
+ bed +
+ street/road wars +
+ outdoors +
+ gin +
+ showers +
+ top gear +
+ pyjamas +
+ canon +
+ jagermeister +
+ jeremy kyle +
+ body mods +
+ photos +
+ nice people +
and bowie.. hes AMAZING. you all aspire to look like him. admit it :P
I dislike..
- stupid people -
- elderly drivers -
- drink drivers -
- benefit claimers -
- immigrants -
- people who live here and cant speak english -
- mushrooms -
- size 0 people -
- topshop sizes -
- bills -
- looking for a new job -
- ugly people that reproduce -
- and claim benefits for it -
meet flo, in the snow, say hello to flo!
florence sophia jermima henrietta that is. she is gold, like lizzie duke bling :)
i love flo ♥
pitch and putt was summer.. then lazer quest, and more recently driving ranges, football, tennis and b-ball! and not to forget long walks in the woods with my bitch and my dog ;)
i love joy joy x
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i love being small cos it means i can do fun things like these and look rad in the process. oh yesss.
dance mother fucker.
i wish i knew these people..
©joy masefield
you know what?
i like myspace, and i know you all do but you wont admit it.. losers :P i think its a great way of meeting people, and i'd be dead bored without it.
i have enough friends thanx :)

My Interests

That boys a Hoxton Hero,
skinny fit jeans and dressed in pink,
how he dresses I care zero,
as long as he don't steal my drink.
That girls an Indie Cindy,
Lego haircut and polka-dot dress,
I don't care if she thinks she's indie,
how she's different is anyones guess.
You've got you skin tights, colours on the floor,
with all your white lines, every slut and whore,
all the band boys in your specs and sneakers,
we got your back, now its time to blow the speaker,
I went to a rave and it got real moody,
how can a screwface have a good time?
Was he deprived of his mothers boobie?
I doubt he's lived a life of grime,
I went to a gig but nobody danced,
Everybody was far too cool,
all the kiddies they just stood there,
Is it the same at their public school?
I stay hard like metal,
you could never merk me,
dirty like skettle,
I kill germs like dettol,
get mucky,
but I will never settle.
I'm an indie limey,
yeah but i like it grimey,
and i rave with a grin,
I'm not too cool for the next big thing,
I dont wanna fuck about,
I wanna good time and thats why I'm out,
and you look silly,
When you put on your best myspace pout

who do
i love

I'd like to meet:

my bitches
I have enough friends thanx.











check the rest out?


what makes
me dance

"You should be kissed and often and by someone who knows how." Clark Gable (Rhett Butler) in Gone With The Wind


i watched fight club once and i'm still confused... but brokeback mountain is class ;)

and happy feet of course :D



by alan mcarthur and steve lowe. i wanna meet these guys, they've made money moaning about stuff, we do that every day, wheres our money!?

My Blog

blah blah blah

1.Talk to a boy/girl you like? yes lots2. Learn anything new? every day3. Talk to an ex? sometimes4. Miss someone? yeah i want a cuddle too-Last Person Who-5. Laid in your bed? Me and rich and ram...
Posted by joystick on Fri, 25 May 2007 04:11:00 PST

summerrrr 2006 so far

The Have You's of Summer 2006 :]Kissed anyone?yupBeen on a vacation to a different state?yeh if you mean in this country we went to weyyymouthBeen on a vacation to a different country?yup! to barcelon...
Posted by joystick on Fri, 18 Aug 2006 03:26:00 PST

100 random things about me

  100 boring things you probably already know 1. What time do you get up in the mornings?mornings? mornings are for loserssss2. How many beers until you're drunk?pints? 4 and i'm off lol3. D...
Posted by joystick on Thu, 20 Jul 2006 05:09:00 PST

commenting questions and such

When you go to your page, who are the last 12 people who have commented you? (If someone has commented two times or more, skip over them to the next person) Place the 12 in order and answer the Q's ab...
Posted by joystick on Sun, 08 Jan 2006 03:51:00 PST

supposedly unusual questions?

These are supposedly 28 questions that no one would ever think to ask. 1. When u looked at yourself in the mirror this morning? ergh. what a mess, why is my hair in that direction cos i dont remember ...
Posted by joystick on Wed, 28 Dec 2005 05:35:00 PST

seems quite appropriate.

Discovering The WaterfrontI will promise myself I won't caredistracting myself from your stareand I've seen this mistake once beforewith your games I will never fall forI've hung up my gunsI won't kil...
Posted by joystick on Wed, 14 Dec 2005 05:07:00 PST

boredom.. find out about my top 8..

Okay. Look at your Top 8 and put them in the right number then answer the questions.1. sarah 2. charlie3. clare4. katy5. shannon6. adam7. little chris8. krud WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU HUGGE...
Posted by joystick on Thu, 27 Oct 2005 03:54:00 PST

mousehunting in my zoo house... (brave dave)

yehh, i had a proper stake-out the other night, i was determined to catch the mouse.. i called him brave dave, cos he was. thanx to alex and matt for staying online til 3:30am waiting for photograp...
Posted by joystick on Tue, 23 Aug 2005 12:26:00 PST

reasons to be cheerful 1 2 3

possibly the most pointless blog ever, but it kept me amused for 15 minutes... THREE NAMES YOU GO BY:1. joy2. cuppa joy3. joysephineTHREE PARTS OF YOUR HERITAGE:1. irish2. english3. umm...THREE THINGS...
Posted by joystick on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

fake blood stains :/

...and i had it on my face. correction, i have the remains of it there still went to quarantine last night dressed as zombies.. well scene innit yeh safe, we're zombies... we thought we looked prett...
Posted by joystick on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST