Librada... profile picture


So Seductive Entertainment--Need I say More??????

About Me

We want you! Now representing any and all artists in the 775 and everywhere else damn it! Now under our own name..So Seductive Entertainment for all your booking and promoting needs. Let us take care of the promoting so you dont have to!..................................... SO Seductive Entertainment!!............. Right now we have Fridays on lock at the EL Cortez we do live Bands! watch out reno we Superstars!.........................Big shout out to Dan of Evolution Tattoo.......Get a Tattoo!! Also much much love to Metaphysical & the Element Crew! It went down on My birthday! I will never forget that night a day in my life! We gonna do the damn thang! Only movers and shakers know..........THAS WASSUP & ALL 2 THE GOOD Watch out Reno Meta, Element and So Seductive Entertainment are gonna bring you the hottest shows this summer! Stay tuned................................ With live performances all around town keep posted for locations! Check your bullitens and event invitations because I will keep you posted its up to you to be there!
I am a real honest down to earth person. I don't take anyones crap anymore and I have learned to be the strong, independent woman I was meant to be. It took a while, with some pretty tough lessons. Well i am now a new an revived spirit. I now look at life so much diffently than i did these past years. I learned never to take anything for granted and if it hurts you, don't do it or get rid of it. I love to write poetry and collect music. I love music and dancing. I am a hopless romantic hoplessly lost always looking for that one true love. Life is to short to waste a minute of it with your eyes closed. Once you open your eyes and actually see the world and yourself for what it is, the more opportunities will come your way. Never pass any good thing by. Always challange yourself in new ways and always stay positive. Let all lifes trials make you stonger and not weaker. Learn from past misteaks and don't repeat them, and inner happiness will soon follow. I know because I have finally achieved my true innner peace with myself and everthing around me. I feel better than I ever have in my whole life.
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My Interests

Anything to do with music. I like to just kick back with my good friends. Im a romantic mush pot. I really enjoy it when I write some bomb ass poetry. I like to collect music. Watching movies with someone special and being with my family. Anything that brings positivity to my life. Moving forward and never backwards! You will not get anywhere that way! Trust me


I'd like to meet:

So many i cant possibly name them all. People with a positive attitude. Any one who is real and has something interesting to say. There is more out there than wasting away getting trashed all the time. There are friends to be made and to be kept. Love to be found where no tears will be wept. Life to live without any regrets, and memories to be made, ones we will never forget. I want to meet people who are going somewhere and have goals and ideas, who aren't afraid to do what it takes to achieve them. Thats where i'm at now and I will never go back! LOVE_LIFE_LIVE_LONG


Any thing by Fight Club. Meta Element top 100 Hip Hop Underground Hip Hop I can honestly say I was a die hard Hip Hop girl only. Now having gone to house clubs where my friends spin I have grown to appreicate and love house music. I quess trance would be my favorite. I still love Hip Hop but I may now be a House Head. Or maybe a Hip house head LOL. I've met Joey Mazzola, DJ Dan, Richard Humpty Vision, Knumbskull, and All of Reno's local DJ's, and its an amazaing feeling to watch such talented people do what they do


Original Sin or anything with Angelina Jolie in it. Scary movies, I love to be scared and I hate to say it but Harry Potter. All the American Pie movies Van Wilder, Old School those types of movies. Romantic movies only if i have someone special to watch them. I will cry so sorry about that! Porn of course


House, UFC, RAW and SMACKDOWN and I love to watch Boxing and Football. Deal or No Deal, Animal Planet, and anything to do with Egypt and the making of things. I watch wierd shows! Like Mega Movers! Its neat though.


I'm not much of a reader as I used to be. However I like scary stories. VC Andrews and Stephen King


A very special soul, who is no longer with us saved my life in every way I needed to be saved. Now I can be my own hero. I guess Harry Potter could be too! He can sure kick some ass!
Name? Librada Gonzalez
Hair? Brunette
Eyes? Hazel
Height? 5'7
Hometown? Monterey, CA
Birthplace? Carmel, CA
Sign? Aquarius
Left/Right handed? Left
Heritage? Mexican and Sicilian
Favorite Season? Winter for the cuddling
Favorite Color? Purple
Favorite Cd? There's no way I can choose!!
Favorite Movie? Original Sin, Forrest Gump.& The Goonies.
Favorite day of the week? Friday
Favorite number? 7
Favorite animals? Kitty cats
What pets do you have? none for now
Favorite car? Escalade on 24's with fat rims & a system
Favorite Sport? Football
What did you wear today? Baby Phat jeans, boots, lace shirt, & half sweater
Favorite Food? Steak
Do you smoke? on what days
Do you drink? Yes
Do you do drugs? not anymore
Do you like your life? I'm working towards contetment
Favorite fast food? I'll eat it but can't say I have a favorite.
What did you eat today? Pizza at a Birthday party for my little cousin
How many piercings do you have? none
How many tatoos do you have? 4 and still going but only on my back
What is your weakness? Love
What is your greatest fear? Heartbreak, but willing to take the risk
Where would you most like to travel to? Egypt
Favorite band/artist?
Do you like indoors or outdoors better? Depends on the weather
What is your favorite pastime? Dancing, & listening to music,
Favorite holiday? Valentines Day
Most missed memory? Holding my Grandma's hand down the stairs
Biggest Regret? Not believing more in myself sooner
Ever been in love? Yes deeply
Someone you love? Getting over it now
Something you hate? I try not to hate but people who use people
Do you think you are attractive? Beauty comes from the inside so yes
Do you believe in yourself? I do now
What do you wish you could change about yourself? I can fall so quickly in love causing blindness
Favorite junk food? Cookie dough
Favorite t.v. show? Animal Planet
Most important quality in a friend? Always there for in everyway, you can count on
Most important quality in a boy/girl friend? Respect, kindness, humor, romance, & confidence
Do you cry when you watch a sad movie? Every single time dang it
Do you shower everyday? sometimes twice
Do you get along with your parents? Very well, they are the greatest
Do you go to school and/or have a job? Enrolling this year, & curenttly working
Are you .. for more than 2 hours a day? sometimes
Sox or Yankees? Don't like baseball
Coke or pepsi? Neither, Root Beer
coffee or tea? depends
Night or day? can't decide
Raine or shine? shine
Sugar or Salt? Sugar
beer or alcohol? depends
cat or dog? cat
make love or fuck? make love, sometimes you just need to be fucked
chocolate or vanilla? Vanilla
ideal job? In a record company
favorite ice cream? Cookies and Cream
favorite video game? Super Mario Bros. 3
favorite website? MySpace
What one thing do you want the most? To acheive my dreams
Do you have siblings? Yes an older sister
Do you sing? yes, I never said good though
Do you dance? My sanctuary in this life music and dancing
Ideal Boy or Girl
hair color? Dosen't matter
eye color? blue, brown
height? 5'8 and up
weight? Nice clean cut body
style? pimped out but not to ganster
what first attracts you to a person? Smile
are looks the most important quality? No, personality & if they an make me laugh
do you like men and women? yes
what about if you were drunk? yes
would you prefer the person to be rich? no, money can't buy love & happiness
do you want someone older or younger than you? within a few years of me
What personality trait is most important? Sense of humor
Final Questions
What is your screen name? Passion
Do you like meeting new people? Yes
What is your best quality? I'm always there for the ones I care about

My Blog

Hip Hop Saturdays at the EL Cortez Reno wit Metaphysical!

Every Saturday we will do it Live Reno! The place is the El Cortez downtown We have an open Mic, we do live performances,  & Dj Mike Madnuss spinning all night! With different guests coming e...
Posted by Brada-So Seductive Entertainment on Tue, 20 Mar 2007 12:04:00 PST