I play music www.trentwalton.com
I build web sites www.paraveldesign.com
I do stuff www.boredinbaytown.com
I do more stuff www.watershedbaytown.com
paul teutul or constantine seeing how they are practically the same person
Johnny Cash, Guster, Arcade Fire, Billy Harvey, Bob Schneider, Springsteen, Pilot Drift, Sinatra, Hank Williams, and more Johnny Cash
SuperSize Me, Braveheart, Big Lebowski, Groundhog Day, Life Aquatic, and yes Potter movies
dog the bounty hunter, Good Eats w/ Alton Brown, Miami Ink
Screwtape Letters, Chronicles of Narnia, Potter books, tolkien, Church History in plain English, Mere Christianity, I like the apocrypha, and Prayer books
CS Lewis, and maybe kinda Dog the bounty hunter...