Floating flocks of candle swans slowly drift across wax ponds.
My name is Amanda.
I love going to shows and hanging out with my friends.In Dying Arms is currently the band I merch for.
My vocabulary includes "intense", "epic" and "legit".
Acoustic songs are the best.
I love the beach and going on car rides.
I own a red Blackberry Pearl. If you have one add my PIN.
I text message a lot. I dont really like talking on the phone for too long.
or if you have a Macbook lets videochat. (friends only).
I have a bit of a peter pan complex but I know when to be mature.Interests :
dark blue dark blue have you ever been alone in a crowded room, 11:11pm, iTunes
touring, shows, !!!, smoothies, pop-punk, text messages, iChat, videochatting, photobooth ticket stubs, hardcore, hoodies, best friends, roadtrips, smiling, writing, friends in far places, baltimore, md, towson, md , COTDS, skateboarding, "thats what he said" nike dunks, crashing parties, away messages , inside jokes, art journals, garageband, web design, ice cream, the beach, quoting movies.MY LIFE!: A constant work in progress and I wouldn't have it any other way.
Get to know me. :D x
jimmy eat world.
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