Hot girls with pretty feet (large or small) who like to have their toes sucked, White Russians, and 1940's movies. And of course the love of my life Miss Crissy Cums
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Really hot chicks with hot feet! And cool people in general who love to party.
80's New Wave, Punk and Heavy Fuckin' Metal, Depeche Mode, Iron Maiden, Pink Floyd, The Beatles, Dr. Dre, Fragma, Type O Negative, Chillout Psy ( the good shit like DI plays), Ambient, Rap (none of this top 40 hiphop shit only rap with good beats West Coast style), Kate Bush, Puff Dragon (only cuz they're on DI now and it is tight)
Citizen Kane, Psycho, Star Wars (the original), Matrix (first one), The Big Lebowski, Airplane, Rear Window, This Gun for Hire, The Shining, Spinal Tap, Dawn of the Dead "78", The Wall, Downfall, The Longest Day, Rope, Rebel Without a Cause, And now for Something Completely Different
Lost, Alias, The History Channel rulez (especially WWII Docs), Ali G, Sopranos, Rome, I love Lucy, Twilight Zone, Invasion, Stargate (all - but starting to lose interest in the newer episodes), Battlestar Galactica (just because it's got balls for a SciFi show - still nowhere near perfect but a good start onto the road there), Seinfeld (Dad hates this show, hehehe).
and now for Television that completely sucks...
Friends, Home Improvement, Most reality television (a great concept abused and turned into a pop culture spoon fed comic book version of reality), Becker (who greenlighted this project?), almost all sitcoms (refer to my feelings on reality tv). Television is not about bringing great ideas and great programming to the people. It is a business, pure and simple. A business controlled by the almighty dollar. A, dare i say, demonically controlled industry whose sole purpose is turn the public into work zombies who will spend all of their money buying things. Advertisers pay the bills and make them rich. That is why networks like HBO turn out good products. HBO, Showtime, etc. rely solely on subscribers. People like you and me. So they will strive to be different to capture your attention so you will pay them direct and they will be rich. That to me is not quite so evil. They actually care about giving products the people will enjoy.
A Brief History of Time, The Stand, Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, Anna Karenina, On the Shoulders of Giants, The Lord of the Rings, The Art of War
Julius Caesar, Larry Flynt, Andrew Blake, Copernicus, Jenna Jameson, Stephen Hawking, Henry Ford, Orson Welles, Erwin Rommel, Einstein, Tesla, Thomas Edison, Benjamin fuckin' Franklyn, Alexander the Great, Mozart, Martin Luther King, George, Kramer, and Cartman