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Ω JB Photography Ω©

Anything is Possible

About Me



At the moment, I am in the process of turning my life around 180. In my spare time, I love to play billiards, go to some concerts, chill with some good friends, have a few good drinks, shop, read some and sleep.

I don't have time for people in my life, who aren't honest, reliable, trustworthy and responsible, because those are character qualities in which I pocess. I also hold big grudges, against those who have hurt me in anyway.

I pick and choose my friends wisely, and for those who treat me right, they will most likely never see the side of myself, that some have experienced lately. People also chose what 'battles' they want to argue about, and most likely, I can bring it back to them, or sometimes they're not even worth my time.

The only people I want and need in my life, send me positive energy and vibes. I don't need anyone who has a negative attitude, because I can have an attitude of my own

*I have also learned that I should be more of a 'private' person

If you want to know about me, ask!

My Interests

Read my 'Blurbs'

Some of my favorite quotes

'When the World gets in my Face, I say, Have a Nice Day'

'A job does not define, who you are as a person'

'You fix the problem that you created'

I'd like to meet:

Maybe it's Who I would NOT Like to Meet: Any guy with a big ego, looks good(knows and acts like it), guys who lie or cheat, guys who are cowards, and can't face me, guys who think they are all that, but in reality, are no better then anyone else.


I love lots of different music styles, such as hard rock, modern rock, alternative, soft rock, some rap, etc...


NCIS, Deal or No Deal, CSI(all of them), Numb3rs, Criminal Minds, The Young and the Restless, Donny Brook(local politics), 48 Hours, 60 Minutes, Food Network, etc..Also, don't get me started on Reality tv. I think all of those reality shows, are the stupidest things to ever air on tv. Yes, most of the tv I watch, is far from the shallow stuff that most of society conforms to.

MAN is he fine! the Food Networks Tyler Florence!

My Blog

The Reason I am...

Much more of a receiver then a giver these days. Many of my friends have probably realized that I take more then I give, but I have my reasons. In the past...and recently, I have always been a giver, ...
Posted by Slim2 on Sun, 28 Jan 2007 02:06:00 PST

mmm..Smells Soooo Good!

So..while our power was out a few times, I have this new thing with CANDLES! Here are some of the best I've smelt lately..and bought. Candles are also very relaxing...the scents just relax you, if you...
Posted by Slim2 on Sun, 21 Jan 2007 11:02:00 PST

MY New Years Celebration

I would like to thank Harry and his wife, for inviting me to celebrate New Years, with his friends and family. Though I didn't know anyone at the house, they made me feel very welcome. It also made me...
Posted by Slim2 on Mon, 01 Jan 2007 09:23:00 PST


I am so mad. I went out to my car yesterday after work, and looked at my right side passanger mirror, only to realize, the frame, or outside of the mirror itself, is broken. It looks like someone eith...
Posted by Slim2 on Sat, 30 Dec 2006 10:20:00 PST


Maybe you know someone who is, or maybe you are one. What is it about them that I do not like? I feel that most do-gooders only give to charities or the community, not because they want to, but becaus...
Posted by Slim2 on Sat, 09 Dec 2006 08:52:00 PST


That we should all learn, is that though we all have MS accounts, we should not take advantage of them, and use them as a way to escape talking to our friends *real life* about situations that only in...
Posted by Slim2 on Thu, 07 Dec 2006 09:18:00 PST