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About Me

My Interests

exploring, museums, italian food, cold sake, tomfoolery & shenanagins, ALF (the legend as well as the activist group), flirts, gold teeth, cellos, besos, stomping on grapes with my bare feet, people with true intentions, head muckety-mucks, big spenders, bargain hunters, dancers, players, 4 star chefs, free-thinkers, teachers, woofers and tweeters, bootyshakers, lookey-lous and rubber neckers, flavor packets, hot pockets, touchy-feely types, romantic tantrics, troublemakers, tastemakers, painters, photographers, writers, hookers with hearts of gold, smart asses, tofu, artichokes and a glass that's always half full.

I'd like to meet:

People who put their money where there mouth is.... and Benicio del Toro.


Charles Mingus, klezmer music, The Very Be Careful, Future Pigeon, Old Helmet, PJ Harvey, Zeppelin, Radiohead, Earth, Wind & Fire, Sabbath, oldschool NYHC, Donna Summer, music to Bellydance to,MOS DEF, Carole King, Fiona Apple, DJ Spooky, Public Enemy, classical, drumcircles at sunset, drum & bass, Stevie Wonder, The Damned, G Love, Bilie Holiday, Rosemary Clooney, Aceyalone, almost anything from Ninjatune, Dublab or Ubiquity, Air, High on Fire, The Stray Cats, Alicia Keys, BRMC, and my sounds of the Ocean cd.


Babe: Pig In The City, THX1138, The Fifith Element, the title sequence from Catch Me if You Can, the 25th Hour, Fightclub, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Bad News Bears, Blue Velvet, Blue Lagoon, Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas, old Kung-Fu movies, Auntie Mame, West Side Story, Snatch, Spellbound (Gregory Peck/ Ingrid Bergman), Nights of Cabiria, Frakenhooker, Nightmare Before Christmas,...


Cancelled cable... hate reality TV, but love the Simpsons, Seinfeld, Sanford & Son and the song from M*A*S*H.


Jewel in the Lotus, Love Signs by Linda Goodman, Dream Analysis, Henry Miller, Yoga Mala by Sri K. Pattabhi Jois, Moosewood Vegetarian Cookbook, Small Business for Dummies, Perv- A Love Story by Jerry Stahl, The Art of Happiness by The Dalai Lama, The Sock Monkey Book. 


The Hulk, Wonderwoman and ya mama.