Tha_Megz profile picture



About Me

i love ham. everything about ham. i want to build my house out of a giant ham. the biggest HOG ever, i want to live in its butchered carcass. i constantly adjust my look to fit the current people i call my friends. glitter is my LIFE. i sprinkle my bed sheets with glitter incase i have to wake up and get going somewhere

My Interests

Glitter, Ham, Kevin, Ham, potatos, Ham doing whatever the scene tells me to do, Ham, Tipper, Ham, trying to look like kelly osbourne, Ham, a fatter version of kelly osbourne, Ham, diabetes, myself, Ham, glitter, Ham

I'd like to meet:

must be hot, a scenester *or whatevers happening at the moment*, love ham, and not mind getting glitter in your eye.


whatevers cool at the moment. and Gary Glitter. Hamthrax, Ham and Roses, Van Hamlen, wHAM!, Jimi Hamdrix, Hambinge Confessional, HAMpden Planet, AbHAMdoned Polls, Ham the Band, Bleed the Ham, Hamless Self Indulgence, eminHAM, Kill Hammah, Nine Inch Hams,


any john cusak movie because he's cool. and Glitter.


i dont read