school, work, money, love, friends, cars, workin out, clubbin, martial arts, sports, games... etc
my loving wifey anh thy tran ;pView All Friends | View Blog | Add Comment
for some reason out of all the girls i met you stand out
for some reason you make me do the things i usually wouldnt do
for some reason you make me feel this funny feeling whenever im with you
for some reason i always look forward to those days i could be with you
for some reason and this reason is love
meet the parents, a walk to remember, along came polly, zoolander, meet the parents, interview with a vampire... etc
smallville 24 friends mtv naruto... :p anything interesting to watch.
tuesdays with morrie 5 people you meet in heaven little prince... etc
Homies back in the Philippines
Mei Mei (Lil Sisters)My Cuz
My sister
My Bros
And of course my parents.
(There are some people I was not able to mention prolly coz I don't have your pictures but you knows i luv you peeps!)
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