However, since then I have gone through chemotherapy and radiation therapy, and i got the all clear on 15th of December!! It has been a manic year, I have gone from having shoulder length hair to being a bald little gollum, working in a bar and as an IT tutor to being on crappy incapacity benefits, but now I am better again, and a new begining is around the corner.....
We only live once, and to spend that one life unhappy just to make money, or to please other people, its a waste. You'll look back on your life when your older and think to yourself, why did i do it? What was i thinking? Do whats best for you, cause no ones gonna do it for you...
My favourite kind of people, are the people who just dont care. I dont mean that in a lazy bum way, i mean the people who have realised early in life that everything is meaningless apart from being warm, fed and happy. Everything you do is just the pursuit of these three things, so make sure the pursuit is as good as the catch, or else whats the point?
I was born in Bristol, UK by accident, left here when i was three months old and moved around to New York, New Jersey, Texas, Arkansaw, Florida and Georgia. Left America at age 13 when my parents split and moved to Manchester.
Glastonbury Festival is a very important place to me, when i came to England i was what alot of you would refer to as "a stupid yank". America brain washes its children, i was made to stand up and recite my pledge of undying faith to the USA every day before the start of school! Of course, being a well traveled kid, with not exactly the most american of parents (my moms a brit) i was never a true yank in the first place, but Glastonbury Festival killed off the last bits of americanism in me.
i am a friendly, green, "hippy" explorer of life, i want to see the world and have fun, and that is what i'm going to do =]
Click HERE to see my Deviant Art page
my faceparty meh
I am worth $1,776,250 on HumanForSale.comYou are a
Social Liberal
(73% permissive)
and an...
Economic Liberal
(13% permissive)
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..TR height=306 ..TABLE
..TR height=306 ..TABLE
Link: The Politics Test on OkCupid Free Online Dating
Also: The OkCupid Dating Persona Test
You are house!
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adopt your own virtual pet!
Your Personality Is Like Ecstasy
You're usually feeling the love for the world around you - you want to hug everyone.
And while you're usually content to sit back and view the world with wonder...
Sometimes you're world becomes very overwhelming and a little scary. What Drug Is Your Personality Like?
I like to make art every now and again, check out this =)
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Smack my Ball Up!
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me playing with a contact ball in a club whilst realllllly drunk =p