music, going to shows, watching movies, michel gondry, traveling, foreign languages, good beer, dancing, singing in the car, you know the usual...
Those people.
where do i begin... explosions in the sky, mogwai, bjork, volta do mar, saul williams, sigur ros, the timeout drawer, talking heads, the buzzcocks, the doors, radiohead, al green, elliot smith, david bowie, m83, the cure, tori amos, the mercury program, nirvana, red stars theory, coldplay, beck, the mars volta, joy division, black eyes, interpol, mum, the clash, trail of dead, pink floyd, tool, old incubus, 80s music...way too many to get my point..
requiem for a dream, fight club, spinal tap, shawshank redemption, eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, office space, napoleon dynamite, the royal tenenbaums, lost in translation, Ong Bak, Fist of Legend
golden girls, family guy, the simpsons, reno 911, anything with michael ian black, the office (uk version), spaced, keeping up appearances... i love british television... will and be honest my cable is fucked so i am not up right now but i'll let you know...
anything by joseph heller, milan kundera, george orwell, howard zinn, noam chomsky, and books about WWII and european history