-:[emaulthia bondage]:- profile picture

-:[emaulthia bondage]:-

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

My name is Alison and I have lived most of my life in Loveland, CO. I am a bitch, if you don't like me then FUCK YOU! I don't really give a shit. I am a good friend to those that actually care. I have NO tolerance for bullshit drama. I expect from you only what I am willing to do in return. I believe in RESPECT and I believe that it is a dying art. I am a big fan of music in general, although my favorite genre is heavy metal. I am making my way around the local metal scene and I hope to one day clothe it (blog updates will let anyone know where I am going with this...) I hope to one day rule the world with my design empire... HAHAHA!!!! Yeah, I'm evil...I have a WONDERFUL fiance who I love more than anything in this world. We met about 8 years ago, and it's funny the way things work out. I couldn't imagine my life with anyone else!I guess if there's anything else you wanna know, just email me... I am pretty much an open book... except when I'm not...
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My Interests

Music, Tattooes, Reading, Singing, Massage, Fashion Design (my own f*cking fashion...), Beading, Drawing, Sex (with ONE person and that aint YOU! So dont bug me.), Tarot, Suicide Girls.
What is your connection with darkness? [pics]

Your connection with darkness is through your depression. Hated, sad and often feeling lonely, there is only a few that appreciate the real you. You tend to keep to yourself and away from the world since you don't want to be hurt and betrayed again. Music gives you the understanding you need to get through; it's your "therapy". Or you express yourself through art or writing to get emotional releases. Chances are you're also an anti-social person, who only enjoys spending time with close friends, if even that. The world has finally showed it's true face for you it feels, and you wish life wasn't this miserable to live through. Maybe you'll find happiness in the future, but right now you're simply hiding away from the world. Who needs people anyway?
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You Should Get An Asian Inspired Tattoo
Mysterious and expressive
You like to show off, but you also like to keep some allure What Tattoo Should You Get?
Your love is... by ChibiMarronchan
Your name is... ..type='text' name='Your name is...' value='Alison Marjorie'
Your kiss is... mysterious
Your hugs are... gentle
Your eyes... sparkle like the stars
Your touch is... awakening my heart
Your smell is... amazing
Your smile is... encouraging
Your love is... one of a kind
..type='submit' value='Fill out your answers and try it on Memegen.net!' ..type='hidden' name='meme' value='1074662660'
Your Deadly Sins
Wrath: 80%
Envy: 60%
Greed: 60%
Gluttony: 40%
Sloth: 40%
Lust: 20%
Pride: 0%
Chance You'll Go to Hell: 43%
You will die, but first you will turn into an evil robot. How Sinful Are You?

Take the quiz:
Which sexy fruit are you?

You love to party!! Your wild, fun, and totally out there. People love you!!

Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!

Take the quiz:
WHAT IS YOUR JAPANESE NAME?!?!?! (girls only 24 results!) BEAUTIFUL PICTURES!!!!

Your name means.....love. you love everything around you and are loved in reurn. YOu are happy and know a match between poeple when you see it. you like sunsets and being with that someone special. Stay away from Usagi and Rin . you get along with Aki and Hikari.

Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!

Take the quiz:
Which vampiric angel are you?

Jayde, Angel of Immortality
Jayde, mistress of Dusk Red, walked through the Nether Realm fearlessly. The gift of seduction and vampirism combined kept her will alive, while mortal light could have devastated her.

Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!

I'd like to meet:

Anyone.... I believe that we learn things from everyone we meet. Be they passing or lasting, everyone comes into our lives to advance our knowledge. A reason... A season... A lifetime.
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Tapping the Vein, Adema, My Chemical Romance, Vendetta Red, Disturbed, Korn, Lennon, Linkin Park, Drain STH, Fall Out Boy, Kayne West, Gorillaz, Powerman 5000, Marilyn Manson, Ray Charles, Matchbox 20, Snow Patrol, Three Days Grace, the Black Eyed Peas, Adam's Ruin, Relevent, Kilbox, Autofate, Cradle of Filth, Bullet for My Valentine, Hawthorne Heights, Gym Class Heroes, Kittie, The Used, Kill Hannah, Otep, Watch Me Burn, Lennon, Drain STH, Lacuna Coil (thanks God!!!), Snow Patrol, The Donnas, Lamb of God, Rise Against, Bad Religion, Social D, In This Moment, Unwritten Law, Shinedown, Breaking Benjamin, Slipknot, Lit, Mushroomhead, Killswitch Engage, Taproot, Trapt, 30 Seconds to Mars, Stone Sour, Mudvayne, NIN, Papa Roach, Avenged Sevenfold, AFI, Rob Zombie, Deadless, Kamakazi, Arcanium, Demizer and SAKRIFITE.

Take the quiz:
Whats your "true theme song" ~PICTURES~

Pretty girl By;Sugarcult
If you get told all the time your beautiful but you don't believe it. You can never find that one special person that you've been looking for...but your a pretty girl right? It does'nt make sense to you...if your beautiful but you always seems like theres no guys who like you...to you love is an excuse to get hurt...and don't worry your just like me.

Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!

Support missannemarie!!


The Lord of the Rings Trilogy. American History X. Life As A House. Pitch Black. The Chronicles of Riddick. Memoirs of a Geisha. The Man Who Cried. Boondock Saints. Casino Royale. Blue Crush (just cuz I wanna be a surfer girl...).


I dont watch much TV... I fall asleep to it... That 70's Show. Cops. World's Wildest police Videos. Law & Order : CI & SVU.


Anything by Anne Rice. River God and Warlock by Wilbur Smith. The Hot Zone by Richard Preston. False Memory by Dean Koontz.Goodnight, Irene by Jan Burke. Shanghai by Christopher New. Storm and Messiah by Boris Starling.


My Mommy..... Who has supported me through everything. She has been the strong one for so many years... Took care of 2 young children, 2 ailing parents and went to college. She is everything I want to be when I grow up!My Grandma... who inspires me every day even though she is no longer with me. Her dreams have become my dreams and I hope one day to make her proud, to become something she always wanted to be... -- START YOUTHINK.COM QUIZ RESULTS --
What kind of jewel are you?
Fire Opal
People love to be around you. Not just for your stunning outer beauty, but also for the inner beauty that radiats from your awesome personality.

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Brought to you by YouThink.com quizzes and personality tests. .. -- END YOUTHINK.COM QUIZ RESULTS --
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My Blog


10 Things This is how I was told it works. Once you have been tagged you have to write a blog with 10 wierd, random thi...
Posted by -:[emaulthia bondage]:- on Thu, 13 Mar 2008 03:18:00 PST

51 Qs about 1

1) What's their full name?Dustin Hamilton& I know his middle name but I aint tellin you!2) Does he or she have a boyfriend/girlfriend?ME!!!! 3) Are they male or female?Male 4) How old is the person?23...
Posted by -:[emaulthia bondage]:- on Thu, 20 Dec 2007 03:11:00 PST

Retarded Survey.... thanks Fudo Shin!

Survey! 1. EVER BEEN GIVEN AN ENGAGEMENT Ring?Yeah, I am wearing it right now!2. LONGEST RELATIONSHIP?The one I am in....3. LAST GIFT YOU RECEIVED?Pretty red roses from my love... oh, and he got me cr...
Posted by -:[emaulthia bondage]:- on Tue, 18 Dec 2007 03:54:00 PST


Here's how you play....once you have been tagged, you write a blog with ten random facts, habits, or goals about yourself. At the end, choose ten people to tag,  no tag backs ;)10. I can make my ...
Posted by -:[emaulthia bondage]:- on Tue, 04 Dec 2007 03:06:00 PST

My Celeb look-alikes

Posted by -:[emaulthia bondage]:- on Mon, 29 Oct 2007 04:48:00 PST

Its wonderful to know that a BULLSHIT rumor still makes its way around....

So... I came home and checked my email... and found out that no matter how wrong some statement or accusation is, it still manages to make it's way around to people that you haven't seen in years...So...
Posted by -:[emaulthia bondage]:- on Fri, 19 Oct 2007 04:31:00 PST

I am one freaky person...

HETEROSEXUAL Mutual back washing is de rigeur, as Cancer, in signature style, pulls out all stops to get what she wants. In the face of the flood, there are always casualties. And when it comes to he...
Posted by -:[emaulthia bondage]:- on Tue, 13 Mar 2007 10:10:00 PST

Things I Need To Say

Rules: Pick 20 people you'd like to say something to, and say it. Be completely blunt and honest.  Do not hold back true feelings, good or bad.  Do not name names.  It's more fun t...
Posted by -:[emaulthia bondage]:- on Wed, 07 Mar 2007 11:01:00 PST

Opinions??? We dont need no stinkin opinions!

I've just about had it with everything& my life is completely off track and no matter what I do it never seems to be enough. In the past year I have been sick more than I can remember ever being sick....
Posted by -:[emaulthia bondage]:- on Thu, 04 Jan 2007 06:48:00 PST

New Year

Another year begins and (big surprise) I am alone& again. But I shouldn't be. I have someone in my life. But as the clock strikes midnight, my phone lays silent. I don't know if it will ring for me ev...
Posted by -:[emaulthia bondage]:- on Thu, 04 Jan 2007 06:45:00 PST