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About Me

Poiché la maggior parte delle volte agiamo affidandoci solo alla nostra limitata saggezza, diventiamo egoisti, voltiamo le spalle alla retta via, e le cose non vanno a buon fine. Agli occhi di un’altra persona tale comportamento appare meschino, debole, di scarso valore e inefficace. Quando non si è in grado di discernere, è bene consultarsi con chi è dotato di buonsenso. Un consigliere, non essendo coinvolto personalmente, ci indirizzerà sulla Via, perché prenderà una decisione disinteressata ed equilibrata. Questo modo di agire sarà certamente percepito come molto solido, simile a un albero robusto con numerose radici. Invece, la saggezza di un solo uomo è come un arboscello che non ha attecchito nel terreno. (I, 5)

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Personality Disorder Test Results
Paranoid |||||||||||| 50%
Schizoid |||||||||||||| 54%
Schizotypal |||||||||||||| 58%
Antisocial |||||||||||| 46%
Borderline |||||||||||||||| 66%
Histrionic |||||||||| 38%
Narcissistic |||||||||| 38%
Avoidant |||||||||||| 42%
Dependent |||||||||||| 46%
Obsessive-Compulsive |||||||||||||| 58% Take Free Personality Disorder Test
personality tests by similarminds.com
Individuals with these disorders often appear odd or peculiar.
Paranoid Personality Disorder - individual generally tends to interpret the actions of others as threatening.
Schizoid Personality Disorder - individual generally detached from social relationships, and shows a narrow range of emotional expression in various social settings.
Schizotypal Personality Disorder - individual is uncomfortable in close relationships, has thought or perceptual distortions, and peculiarities of behavior.
Dramatic Personality Disorders: Antisocial, Borderline, Histrionic, and Narcissistic
Individuals with these disorders have intense, unstable emotions, distorted self-perception, and/or behavioral impulsiveness.
Antisocial Personality Disorder - individual shows a pervasive disregard for, and violation of, the rights of others.
Borderline Personality Disorder - individual shows a generalized pattern of instability in interpersonal relationships, self-image, and observable emotions, and significant impulsiveness.
Histrionic Personality Disorder - individual often displays excessive emotionality and attention seeking in various contexts. They tend to overreact to other people, and are often perceived as shallow and self-centered.
Narcissistic Personality Disorder - individual has a grandiose view of themselves, a need for admiration, and a lack of empathy that begins by early adulthood and is present in various situations. These individuals are very demanding in their relationships.
Anxious Personality Disorders: Avoidant, Dependent, Obsessive-Compulsive
Individuals with these disorders often appear anxious or fearful.
Avoidant Personality Disorder - individual is socially inhibited, feels inadequate, and is oversensitive to criticism
Dependent Personality Disorder - individual shows an extreme need to be taken care of that leads to fears of separation, and passive and clinging behavior.
Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder - individual is preoccupied with orderliness, perfectionism, and control at the expense of flexibility, openness, and efficiency.
what metal genre are you? Your Result: Thrash metal

You are thrash metal. You've been brought up in the world by bands like Metallica, Megadeth and Exodus as well as slayer.....to bad most of the key bands in you will die or become...country

Nu metal
Death Metal
Classic Metal
Power Metal
Black metal
what metal genre are you?
Your results:
You are Green Lantern Green Lantern 75% Spider-Man 60% Hulk 60% The Flash 60% Superman 55% Iron Man 55% Supergirl 53% Robin 53% Wonder Woman 43% Batman 40% Catwoman 20% Hot-headed. You have strong
will power and a good imagination.
Click here to take the Superhero Personality Quiz

My Interests

Music, movies, arts, travelling, languages, food, sport.. as well as knowledge, wisdom and something else.

I'd like to meet:


Tool, Dream Theater, Radiohead, the Gathering, Muse, My Dying Bride, Paradise Lost, Rammstein, The Mars Volta, A Perfect Circle, System Of A Down, Sigur Rós, Doors, Led Zeppelin, Nirvana, Guano Apes, Blonde Redhead, Marlene Kuntz, Afterhours, Death, J.S. Bach, L.V. Beethoven, F. Chopin, A. Vivaldi
