ALL MUSIC is F R E E provided for Promotional Use Only! This Dj and its Company are Registered Logos and soley get compensated for its Re-production, Marketing and  Promotions @ 2008 ChillWill Music, Inc. TM " Unauthorized duplication is a violation of applicable laws.
Peole who are Positive, Productive and striving towards success. Most of all when its all said and done - JESUS CHRIST LORD and SAVIOR.
ChillWill & KaySlay Classic .1990. BLENDS ------------------- ----------------------rare R&B remixes PT.1 ---------------- -----------------------80s DISCO classics vol.1 ---------------- -----------------------HIP HOP flashbacks vol.1 -----------------------classic SLOW JAMS ---------------- -----------------------GOSPEL music VOL.1 ---------------- ----------------
Sci-fi & Thrillers. I also like comedy to have a laugh every now and then it soothes the soul.
News, B.E.T, MTV & The Discovery channel. Every now and then get hooked on the words off the Gospel channel.
GODs little promise book for graduates. John M.Shanahan - the most Brilliant Thoughts of All Times. Can't forget... Poetry and Websters Dictionary.
My Mom deffinately! my Grandmoms for bringing my moms into this world (R.I.P) Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King Jr, Tupac and Biggie.