Rob Black profile picture

Rob Black

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Thanks for coming to my page, i am a dj out of cleveland ohio, been playing vinyl now for about 13 years and currently spinning at TWIST now for 3 years or more. Ordering and selling music at GRAND POO-BAS RECORD SHOPPE is what i do during the day light, boy do i love selling new music to kids, i've been at poo-bas now for over ten years...i'm not much of one to talk about what i have accomblished in the past for me it's what i can do now and in the future that if your in cleveland and what to hear a killer set of all flavors of house music then come by TWIST on a thursday,friday or a sunday, and i shall smack you up with the freshest wax in the city!!!

I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !

My Interests

i like to play with music...i am a fan of sports...eating good food with a glass of wine does me good as well

I'd like to meet:

vinyl junkies, house heads and music lovers


all kinds as long as it is good and moves me, i hold no bundries when it comes to music


24,prison break, hereos, rome


prez. bush hahaha just kidding maybe my cat kali since all she has to do is eat, sleep and shit