Kendra Jade Rossi-Friends Only! profile picture

Kendra Jade Rossi-Friends Only!

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About Me
..FIRST :PLEASE DO NOT ASK ME TO ADD YOU ON THIS PAGE IF I DONT KNOW YOU. I am not one of those myspacers just trying to collect friends.Everyone on this page is someone I know personally , and this is a place I like to use to keep in touch with them.I apologize to everyone else ..but I just WILL NOT accept people I do not KNOW and HANG WITH! HOWEVER: if you want to be added , you may click on the last profile of my friends list that says Kendra Jade , and I WILL add you there.If you're still send me a friend request and get denied , please don't get mad and send me stupid emails asking why. It's all love , baby !
Now : About Me: I AM MARRIED!!!...Sooo: NO , I DO NOT WANT TO DATE YOU , CHAT WITH YOU , CHECK OUT YOUR PROFILE , Or SEE PICTURES OF YOU OR SEND YOU PICTURES OF MYSELF. I don't care how much money you have , what kind of car you drive , what your band sounds like , how you look naked , what tv show you're on , or who you know. Let's keep it real and focus on the important things...- P.S. - I don't care if you like me.... This may sound harsh , but I've dealt with too much drama in my life to waste anymore precious time on haters. Spread Love y'all ! In a place where image is everything , quality means nothing.I have love in my life , and whether that love is shared with the world or locked behind closed doors is just as insignificant as your opinion. Believe Nothing that you read , and only half of what you hear... ( Everyone can be a bad ass behind a computer screen.. Not everyone can be a bad ass in real life... like me :P )Also , Please no sparkle tags or thanks for the add bullshit. Thanks
Now onto better things..I am a very girlie girl but I love to just be one of the guys when I'm with my boys.I have perfect aim at the shooting range , I love to go fishing and catch lobster. I love camping and paintball , I love tipping hot strippers , I love boxing ,and enjoy a good fight after a bottle of jagermeister... and I do it all in a hot pair of stiletto's!
If you know of me because of my previous life or career , please keep in mind I am not the same person I was at 18 , or even 25. people grow , they change . If you assume you know me , or know anything about me , you are wrong. I Live my life honorably . Help all and harm none. Love myself , Love God , Love my family and Love My Man. So please dont judge based on assumptions. I can be High Maintenance and Spoiled, I admit...BUT I'm also very generous and compassionate with those that I care about. I am brutally honest and I despise dishonesty more than anything.. *cough ex-boyfriend issues cough*
I love my parents...I have 2 sisters and 2 brothers.My two sisters are more like my adopted kids, so expect to know and love them if you wish to be in my life. I like creative people , and artistic people. I like to be around people who are motivated and ambitious...and more importantly , people with values , morals and integrity...and also those willing to break the rules , be spontaneous and more importantly : FREE THINKERS! I like people who don't concern themselves with what others think. I like boys that are nice and dont smell , but I like boys that are nice and look like they smell...I love boys that can sing and play instuments..... ....
The first thing I notice about people is thier eyebrows and their teeth. I really enjoy a great smile!! ...But I'll still be cool to you if your grill's f'd up. I also have a great dentist that I can refer you to, along with a hair guy , a nail chick , a plastic surgeon and a personal trainer.. ( just doin' my part to make the world a prettier place) I dig people who fight for what they believe in.I hang out with my clan of sexy bitches and hot guys, but I'm also a fan of helping the underdog win the race!I am very notorious for the late night drunk-dial , as well as uber-intoxicated texting...I sometimes wake up in the morning thinking I can save the world and I sometimes dont want to wake up.I like to fancy myself a "poet" but I'm really just a girl who's still trying to figure herself out and sometimes it just spills on to paper.
The people who are in my life become permanent stains or tattoos..So if you're only here for momentary pleasure , I suggest you leave now. I've leanerned in life that if it isnt worth fighting for , it isnt worth having...Random I Love Kabbalah, Judaism , buddhism , catholiscm , christianity...and I love church. I am enthralled by religion . I have studied almost every type. I am also an (abnormal) psychology major , I love forensics and I love delving into the ever evolving human mind. I love trying to figure people out , and I love the time it takes to do so. I think all of our faults , quirks , and oddities are what make each of us so beautiful. I Love Johnny Knoxville ( no , seriously , I do) and Dane Cook. Any man that can make me laugh melts my heart!!! My feet are size 6 1/2. My ex-boyfriend left me for Jamie Kennedy but I got TWO thank-you's on his I gotta pimp his shit anyway... Go buy his album on itunes, bitches! I like to sleep until noon, but thats mostly cuz I am an insomniac by nature and I stay up until 7 am ...and also probably due to a severe myspace addiction. I like my dogs more than I like most people. And I think people that wear fur SUCK ! I think CHRIS WHITLEY is a Musical Genious. R.I.P. CHRIS - You are loved!!! Check out my B.F.F , Joey Degraw ( Alisan Porter is the best singer EVER ( and she's my wife )!!! Buy her stuff and see her on the Broadway show " A chorus line" ( or I hate waiting in line. I WONT do it. EVER. I believe in living life to the fullest , Living each moment as if it were your last. Because , it could be ! Lastly. Music is my passion, and I love words. I have an extensive vocabulary that I don't use quite as often as I should.As well as a spell-chevk option when I do write , that I dont use as often as I should. Typically , the song on my page expresses what I'm currently feeling about the world or more specifically , a person I write a lot. check the blogs...and leave feedback , I love it! I am deeply spiritual. I believe In God .I believe in Miracles , and above all , I believe in Love.. I am not perfect , I dont promise to be...I am still a work in progress...My life has been and continues to be a long transition ,so please be patient with me as I take this journey.. I do believe that my life and my time on this earth are for a purpose!!! I think that if we are given a voice and a forum to use it , we must !!!! SPEAK UP , PEOPLE. HAVE AN OPINION! BE SOMEONE BUT REALLY, BE YOURSELF!!! Wherever you come from , whatever you have done , and whoever you are , there is a place for you in God's heart...You just have to want it .Ask and ye shall recieve...I am a walking dichotomy , and I kind of like it that way.Your turn....
Create Your Own!Layout by Hayden James
Eyes are the door way to the soul!! Here's mine..where's yours?

My Interests

concerts , clothing , shopping , gossiping , reading , writing,My dog Sebastian & making out with my husband. Sacred heart makes all my mans bling.Get some of your own by going to !

...and chillin' with my homies

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I'd like to meet:

Nobody. I have met the one man that made me stop lookin' at all the others and I married him !

P.S. -----

Myspace Icons

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I love all things Musical !!! From Jazz to hip-Hop ,to Classical to Rock to R&B to Metal to Techno and everything in between....At the top of the list , you will find Chris Whitley and Jeff Buckley . LUKAS -


THE NOTEBOOK !!!!!!! RENT!!!!! Moulin Rouge , Shawshank Redemption , Titanic , Pretty woman , My girl , Goodfellas , Poltergeist , Kill Bill 1 & 2 , The Story Of Us , Legends Of The Fall (any chick flick basically. I like movies that make me cry.)It's ME - .. width="425" height="350" ....


Nick at Nite all night EVERY NIGHT ( Full house , Roseanne , Threes company , Who's the boss ). I also have a weakness for reality shows . For instance , I am obsessed with American Idol ,and my favorite show of all time is LOST !!


I read mostly poetry ...Anything by Anne Sexton , Sylvia Plath . I also love Edgar Allan Poe .


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My Blog

its already June!

Where do I start?..: Hello Friends! It's been so long since I have had a moment to sit down and write to you all. I get so many messages in my inbox every day, I can hardly keep up. But I want to let...
Posted by Kendra Jade Rossi-Friends Only! on Mon, 09 Jun 2008 01:41:00 PST

Happy Holidays!

Happy Holidays Everyone The bible says: "Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever, is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is ...
Posted by Kendra Jade Rossi-Friends Only! on Wed, 26 Dec 2007 03:36:00 PST


                  Cocoon See this? This is the hollow bullshit they called love. Her mouth rouged gently with the vomit ...
Posted by Kendra Jade Rossi-Friends Only! on Sun, 19 Aug 2007 11:09:00 PST

the soothing sounds of la

Hello again!   Now that the tour has winded down, and I have had a few days to distance myself from it, recuperate and reflect I wanted to take the time to say a few things. First and foremost,...
Posted by Kendra Jade Rossi-Friends Only! on Wed, 08 Aug 2007 01:20:00 PST

I'm with Dane Cook!

From his blog tonight , and I couldn't have said it better baby!! " Thursday, January 18, 2007   My Mind is Leaking Every once in a while some Internet wunderkin figures out a way to prete...
Posted by Kendra Jade Rossi-Friends Only! on Fri, 19 Jan 2007 08:11:00 PST


It's been brought to my attention that there are several imposters posting in different places on the internet , being antagonistic and acting as if they are me. For the record , I do not engage in in...
Posted by Kendra Jade Rossi-Friends Only! on Fri, 29 Dec 2006 02:03:00 PST

The Undertow Of Nowhere

I Am Damaged; Not without hope of reconciliation But I am perfectly out of place As I float around this room.   Tell me now; what shall I make of you?   Arent you amazing- Feeding me spoonf...
Posted by Kendra Jade Rossi-Friends Only! on Mon, 31 Jul 2006 07:40:00 PST

Cutting The Cord

If I speak of this act anymore I fear you will no longer believe the authenticity Of not only the word, but the deed. I have set the stage for this final act but Do not think that I had to invent...
Posted by Kendra Jade Rossi-Friends Only! on Fri, 21 Jul 2006 02:36:00 PST

For The Lover I Tried To Love

"A mighty pain to love it is, And tis a pain that pain to miss; But of all the pains, the greatest pain is to love, but love in vain."-Abraham Crowley     You see, I have always wanted you....
Posted by Kendra Jade Rossi-Friends Only! on Thu, 20 Jul 2006 04:55:00 PST

My Mad Hatter

Life is wicked. I am a carnivore of the worst kind. There is nothing in this breadbox that I wont eat- I fill up on whatever makes me whole Momentary pleasure is as fleeting as the sun. But even...
Posted by Kendra Jade Rossi-Friends Only! on Tue, 18 Jul 2006 02:54:00 PST