Get to Know Me
...About You...
Eye Color Brown
Hair Color Mousey/ more blonde
Height 5' 4 "
Favorite Color Yellow
Screen Name Fairy dust!
Favorite Band Eurgh, too many... I guess pink floyd...
Favorite Movie dirty dancing... the perfect chick flick...
Favorite TV Show neighbours!!!
Your Car none, sadly....
Your Hometown morden, the ghetto
Your Present Town morden, the ghetto!
Your Crush's First Name Mark
Your Grade past that baby!
Your Style plenty
...Have You Ever...
Sat on your rooftop not my current one, but yes, at previous accomodation
Kissed someone in the rain yes
Danced in a public place hell yeah!
Smiled for no reason always...
Laughed so hard you cried Yes... it's one of my favourite things
Peed your pants after age 8 Only once, at most..
Written a song Yes, but hugely embarassing! (ask ali!)
Sang to someone for no reason All the time, i hope. I love singing.
Performed on a stage Yes.
Talked to someone you don't know Plenty
Made out in a theater No- how random is that?? Also, if i was lucky enough to be at the theatre, i wouldn't waste it by making out.
Gone roller skating since 8th grade no, sadly.
Been in love yes.
...Can You...
Write with both hands no at all!
Whistle no, despite years of effort.
Blow a bubble just about.
Roll your tongue yes, if you mean into the middle, and not upside down.
Cross your eyes only because i have a lazy eye.
Touch your tongue to your nose no
Dance i think so!
Speak a different language hardly, a couple of words at most.
Impersonate someone i try sometimes...
Cook anything yes. to put it bluntly.
...Finish The Line...
If I were a ... fish i'd swim.
I wish ... that life could go on as it has, and that i always have the people i love now here, but also that i grow as a person. TALL FUCKING ORDER!
So many people don't know ... that i can actually be quite girly when i want. i love 'the little mermaid' and my favourite colour has always been yellow.
I am ... honest, i hope.
My heart is ... mine.
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