YMT:UK. NYT. OLD VIC. Take a guess...
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A magic 8 ball. No shit!
It's too late now, but deffo James Brown. The godfather of soul, and definition of poomping on the reg.
Poor Bloke. Gotta Love him.
Also. Bill Gates. So i can show him this video of me and my bro destroying his merchandise. Then maybe i can ask him to donate some money to Penge. It's a good cause.
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If you're gonna continue wasting your time... these people's profiles deserve it too...
Johnny Cash. For His Music AND his trim!!
My music taste is ranged, and i dont have a favourite band or whatever.
But if i had to pick a favourite tune right now it would have to be (And i do change this on a reg):'Stake out' by Apollo 440.
I thought i was like a PG, but the old bastards on Bart666.com think i'm a real fucker. And i didn't even pick the option where i'd tie up a burglar, rape him, cut him up and burn his carcass.
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Created by Bart King
And Check out this Legend. Conny Bloom. I'd kill for a full track o' this badboy.
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The best television show would have to be to watch my own life. As that is impossible, i'll have to do with this slideshow:
Say what? Books?I gave up english for a reason.Except Harry Potter. He's a ledge.
PollPub.com Vote Who is the BIGGEST Joker Will D. Fresh.
Varun. Raves.
JK. Rudeboy Choons.
KELING! BIG Charter joker.
Trepass. the big bunker.
Ben DICKSON. Self Explanatory.
Shabba. The big chain smoker.
James Pee Pee.
Richard DC! a true joker if ever i met one.
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GINGERS are Creaaaaase. Check out my crew -
And This Lad, Cartoonic hero.